The Woman

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"And you're sure you wanna go alone?" Seonghwa asked.

Beomgyu nodded. "I don't need help to kidnap someone. Just get me in."

He sighed. "Alright fine. I'll stay on comms."

"Thank you." He got suited up and drove to Gangnam to get Sogeun's daughter. When arrived near her apartment Seonghwa talked him through everything.

"Okay if you go around back that door near the trash isn't connected to an alarm. Get it open." He walked around back and found the door. He stepped back before kicking it open, he walked inside and saw that he was in a cellar.

"Which way?"

"Go straight and make a left at the end of the hall."

Beomgyu started running and when he made the left he came face to face with three workers. He stared at them and they stared back.

"Are you there?" Seonghwa asked.

Beomgyu attacked them, knocking all three of them out and he tied them up before he started running again.

"Yeah, I am."

"Go through the door and then up the stairs to get to the lobby." Beomgyu did so and slowly opened the door, peeking his head through. It was late at night so almost no one was there.

He saw a guard walk past him, he quickly covered his mouth and pulled him into the cellar before knocking him out and taking his uniform.

"Okay, I'm in."

"You need a master key. I think only the front desk people have one." He walked over to the front desk and there was only one person there. A young woman who was working on the computer.

He smiled at her. "Good evening, I need to check one of the rooms upstairs. I think I heard an altercation."

"Of course sir, I have to accompany you I can't just give it to you. Should I call the police?"

"No ma'am but it's safer if I go alone. I don't want someone as pretty as you to get hurt."

She blushed a little. "It's against the rules I-I'm not supposed to-"

"Trust me." He leaned on the desk giving her a look. "I wouldn't let you get in trouble. No one has to know, I'll give it right back. What do you say beautiful?"

"...j-just give it right back." She gave it to him.

"Thanks." He winked at her and went to the elevator. "I got the key, which floor?"

"The very top, the entire floor is hers."

Beomgyu scanned the key and the elevator started to go up. It dinged and then opened, it was dark and he didn't hear anything. He stepped out of the elevator and looked around as he walked. He noticed the pictures of her and Sogeun, smiling like some happy family.

He scoffed at the picture and kept walking around to find the bedrooms.

"Did you get her?"

"Not yet, it's quiet." He heard something and quickly turned around blocking a punch before getting kicked. He slid back against the floor and quickly got up.

"Who the hell are you?" It was Park Ijun.

"I don't think an introduction is needed." He stared at the gun in her hands. "You gonna shoot me?"

"You broke in. Do you have any idea who I am?"

"Park Ijun, daughter of Park Sogeun. I know exactly who you are. Daddy's perfect girl with your perfect life and all your dirty money. I don't believe a princess like you just knows how to fight like that. Tell me, how filthy are your hands?"

She stared at him and scoffed. "So you must be Jet." She smiled at him. "Dad warned me about you. Told me you were obsessed with him. He didn't think you come after me but here you are. You're a fool for coming here. The police and my father are on their way."

"That's fine, we'll be gone before they get here." He grabbed a vase and threw it at her knocking the gun out of her hand. He ran at her and went to punch her but she dodged and leg-swept him. He hit the floor and quickly rolled before she tried to stomp his face he got up and moved back as she came towards him.

"I've been going easy on you, but I've had enough of this shit." He ran at her again and threw his punches faster and harder. She dodged swiftly and blocked while trying to counter his attacks. She stepped back and pulled out and blade and cut his arm.

He hissed in pain and looked at it.

"I guess I've been holding back as well." She smirked at him. "You have no idea who you're really messing with."

"Enlighten me."

"I know way more than you do. I know about your little organization. The leader of your section is Yoongi or Suga as you call him, you work alongside Yeonjun, Wooyoung, Hongjoong, and many others. But your real RM or Kim Namjoon."

Beomgyu didn't know what to say.

"H-How did you-"

"And your fiancé, Kang Taehyun. Age 22 born here in Gangnam, he's been an agent since he was 19 and met you Choi Beomgyu in high school." She smirked at his shocked expression. "Don't worry, my father doesn't know any of this. He only knows what I want him to know. You see Beomgyu, I know my father is a horrible person but I am much worse than he is. I run way more organizations than you probably know in multiple countries. From the Yakuza in Japan to the neighborhood gangs in LA. I'll knock that old fool off his pedestal and run the biggest criminal empire."

"You do speeches like a cartoon villain," Beomgyu said as he glared at her.

She smirked. "A little too cliche for you? I guess you already know the part where I threaten to kill everyone you love. Yada yada yada right?"

"Nope," Beomgyu spoke as he fixed his sleeves. "Because the last person who threatened someone I love died. So if you are smart," he raised his head to look at her through his bangs. "You'll watch what comes out of your mouth next."

"Something you don't know about me is I've never been one to listen." She says as she ties her long brown hair up in a ponytail.

"And you fail to realize that I don't give a shit."

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

And it's all down hill from here 😃

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