The Infiltration

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Hyunjin was reviewing some information from Soobin and Taehyun. Before they left him to leave, he clipped trackers with mics onto their shirts. Small enough to be unnoticeable. He was sitting at a computer listening to everything that went on while they were gone.

"Hyunjin." He looked up and Yeonjun was leaning on the doorframe while looking at him. "I'll be leaving soon to go with V-ssi to his location. He didn't like the idea of any of his men being rats but unfortunately out of everyone I feel the rat may be there. He's attached, it makes him vulnerable."

"That's true, but I don't think the rats with him." Yeonjun joined him at the table. "I've heard a lot about Suga-ssi and RM-ssi. From the sounds of it if anyone has a snitch it would be Suga."

"Why do you say that?"

"Think about it. If me, you, and Beomgyu were them and we knew one of us might have too much of an attachment why would we risk giving that person anything important?"

"...we wouldn't and if we did we'd take extra precautions but knowing Suga-ssi he'd probably argue against it...shit the rat is with Suga-ssi."

"Bingo." He winked at him.

"Is there a reason why you only do undercover stuff and not this? You're smart, you could lead a unit, an entire organization if you wanted to."

"But I don't want to. The only reason I'm like this is because I'm observant, you are observant too but of physical body emotions. That's what keeps you from getting killed, I have to gather intel so the way someone thinks, moves, breathes, eats, I need to know them. That's how I survive, because if you know their weakness you know what can kill them. V-ssi's weakness is his attachments, Suga-ssi is distrustful there for he holds the most information in one place with him instead of spreading it out. Not smart which is why the rat is with him."

He closed his lap top. "Beomgyu is going with Suga, shouldn't you tell him?"

"Mmmm...let him figure it out. I'll be fun."

Yeonjun shook his head with an amused smile. "Funny, very funny. You need to tell him Hyunjin."

"Yeah yeah."

Yeonjun was on his way out but stopped for a moment to look at him. "Don't...die okay?"

"Please, as if they could kill me."

"You know if you need something-"

"If I need 50 people killed I will definitely give you a call." He smiled at him. "I'll be be careful too."

Yeonjun nodded and then left. Hyunjin looked down at his computer and then took out his wallet. He opened it and pulled out a picture that was tucked away. A picture of him and Yeonjun, they were laughing in it because Yeonjun was on his back and Beomgyu wouldn't stop making jokes about it behind the camera.

He smiled at the picture. "Little do you know, you've always been my good luck charm."


Beomgyu arrived to Suga's district. He walked inside the huge building as he looked around in awe.

"We do a lot of cooking here so this place is on 24/7 surveillance." Suga explained. "So I doubt a rat would be with me."

"I said the same thing but we're just being safe Suga-ssi."

He hummed. "The only way someone would know even the smallest thing about me is if you work down in the lower level. Our tech team tracks everything, every worker, shipment orders, partners, would only be on those computers downstairs."

"I'll start there then. I really wanna kill whoever this is. Who betrays their unit?"

"I want them dead as much as you do."

He took Beomgyu down stairs and introduced him to the team.

"Listen up!" He yelled. Everyone quickly stood to their feet and bowed as they listened. "This is Jet, I'm sure you have all heard of him. The faceless guy who is smart, well he's gonna be here for a little bit so play nice with him. You!" He pointed to a guy in the back with long red hair and glasses. "You'll teach him what he needs to know.

"Y-Yes sir!"

"You know where to find me." Suga said to Beomgyu before leaving.

Beomgyu scratched at his mask a little and walked over to the red head. "Hey Red, what's your name?"

"Umm...everyone just calls me you."

"Huh? Really? It's rougher here than I thought." He sat down. "Well how about I just call yooou...Chunnie?"

"That sounds girly."

"Well you are very pretty."

"Really?" He asked as he blushed.

"Chunnie it is. So Chu, how do I do this shit?"

Chu moved a little closer to teach the basics on how to work the system which he picked up very quickly.

"Why is your wifi so fast here? It takes like five minutes to log into our computers sometimes." His eye twitched. "I'll be talking to Suga-ssi about this."

"Are you two close? None of us down here really speak with him. He only comes down once a week."

"Only once a week?" Beomgyu thought to himself.

"We aren't close but at my location where I usually work it's easier to get access to him."

"I see. So why did you come here."

"I call it a promotion so it doesn't feel like I'm doing extra work for no reason. They are just testing my skills other places."

Chunnie nodded slowly. "I see, I've heard a lot about you."

"Oh yeah?" He said as he sat back in his chair cool-like. "I'm pretty awesome huh?"

"Yeah I guess." He murmured as he shrugged.

"You guess?" He sat up and looked at him. "Don't be shy princess, speak your mind. I won't kill you or anything."

He blushed. "It's just...I think to kill someone you really have to be lost and broken. To not let something like that, taking someone else's life effect you. I feel really bad for the ones like you, you have to be strong all the time. It must be exhausting."

Beomgyu stared at him. "How old are you?"


"You're young. What are you doing in a place like this?"

"Most likely the same as you. Life isn't...what it was meant to be. I lost everything when I was young, I have a little sister and this was the only thing that could get me enough money to support us. I just want a better life for her."

Beomgyu looked away from him. "Alright, enough of this. We need to work."

"Right, s-sorry. So after you do that we're supposed to-"

But Beomgyu's mind faded as he spoke to him and he looked around the room. Everyone here look really young and the more he thought about it, he didn't want to kill this rat anymore.

He wanted to save them.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Double update today

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