The Exchange Pt. 1

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Soobin stepped out of his bathroom while drying his hair and when he looked up he jumped a little and then sighed.

"Nu-uh, no, leave Yeonjun."

"Why~your place is so much nicer than mines." Soobin shook his head as he got dressed. "Why are you getting dressed?" He asked.

"Because Yeonjun I don't do relationships."

"You don't do relationships because you don't make time or maybe you're scared." He said as he started to unbutton his shirt. "But I don't do relationships either."

Soobin glanced at him and then exhaled deeply as he watched Yeonjun take off his shirt.

"Why?" Soobin asked as he walked towards him.

"Because they're stupid."

Soobin climbed on top of him and pressed their lips into a rough kiss. Yeonjun was going to be the death of him.


Soobin was walking to his desk when Taehyun suddenly grabbed him.

"Dude, what?" He asked and Taehyun stepped closer to him. Soobin leaned back a little while Taehyun studied him.

"You aren't wearing your button-ups like usual."

Soobin was wearing a black polo shirt that was snug and hugged his body fairly well showing off his muscles. Some of the female agents definitely stole some glances at him.

"I decided to wear something new, what's wrong with that?"

Taehyun glanced at his neck. "What's that?"

"What's what?"

"Don't play dumb with me you have a hickey on your-"

Soobin clasped his hand over Taehyun's mouth before quickly removing it from getting looks.

"Taehyun will you not be you for five minutes?" He said through his teeth. "It's a bug bite."

"No, it's not. I know what a hickey looks like Soobin I'm engaged."

Soobin ignored him and walked to his desk. Taehyun followed and pointed out another thing.

"You always have a few of your buttons undone but you have your polo buttoned all the way up."

Soobin glared at him. "Quit analyzing me Taehyun."

"Who did you sleep with last night?"

"No one."


Soobin glared at him. "I'm not lying."

"Yes, you are. Every time you lie you always look away from the person you are lying to and you fidget with your hands when you lie!" He snapped.

"I really hope Beomgyu doesn't have to deal with this every day."

Taehyun laughs a little and goes back to his desk. Even though Taehyun was his best friend he would be hung by his toes if anyone found out about his nightly activities with Yeonjun.

Something he thought was a one time thing and also a huge mistake and accident turned into an almost every night accident.

He stared down at the papers on his desk remembering last night. How pretty he looked gasping underneath him and moaning his name out like a slut and how tight and warm his...

"Agent Choi!"

"Huh?" His head shot up and his boss gestured him over.

They went into his office and Soobin closed the door behind him.

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