The Loss

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Yeonjun rode in the passenger seat while Hongjoong drove and Beomgyu and Sunoo sat in the back.

"Is everyone's gun good?"

"Yeah, we're fine," Beomgyu said and he looked at Sunoo. "We can still turn around."

"I want to go." He said and then smiled at Beomgyu. "I'll be okay."

Beomgyu got a weird feeling but he nodded.

It was late at night and Hongjoong just parked the car out of view. As soon as he did he turned around and looked at Sunoo.

"Don't fuck this up and don't get killed. Stay behind us."

"Yes hyung."

Hongjoong took one of his knives out of his holster. "Let's move, no guns right now. Don't alert anyone."

They agreed and quietly moved through the trees before seeing the gate. Yeonjun picked up a rock and threw it. When one of the men standing by the gate heard it hit something and went to look.

When he got close enough Hongjoong snuck over and stabbed him in the neck. Right before the other guard said anything, Beomgyu threw his blade, it went straight into his head and he fell.

They went over and Beomgyu retrieved his knife before they quickly climbed the gate.

"Sunoo where do we go," Yeonjun whispered.

"Just follow me, we shouldn't make too much noise."

"I said to stand behind us." Hongjoong snapped.

"There's no time for that." He moved to the front and started walking, everyone else reluctantly followed but they all had their hands on their gun ready to shoot if they felt he was in danger.

He soon stopped and pointed up. "That's his window."

"Well, Hongjoong you're the smaller, we'll hoist you up," Beomgyu said.

His face turned red as he glared at them.

"I should shoot you right now for that shit." He groaned. "Just hurry up and get me up to the ledge and I can climb the rest of the way to the balcony."

Beomgyu and Yeonjun put their hands together so he could step up, they lifted him and he tried reaching for the ledge.

"A little more." He whispered.

"Stop working out so much you're heavy!" Beomgyu yelled through his teeth.

Hongjoong grabbed the ledge and pulled himself up, he quickly climbed and reached the balcony. He looked through the door and listened for any sounds.

He tried to open the door but it was locked.

"Damn...hey, I need-"

"I got it." He whipped his head around and saw Yeonjun standing behind him.

"How did you-"

"I climbed like you did."

"Well if you could get up why did I go up first?"

"You wouldn't have reached even if you jumped pipsqueak. Plus Sunoo had to record you." He teased.

He knelt down to the lock while Hongjoong was resisting the urge to choke him.

He got it open and peeked inside. "All good."

Hongjoong looked over the balcony and waved them up. Beomgyu and Sunoo climbed up and they went inside.

"Close the door." Sunoo did so.

"Beomgyu listen by the door, the rest of us will search the closet."

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