The Start of the War

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Beomgyu knocked on Chu's door.

"Come in!"

He did so and Chu looked up and smiled.

"Jet, it's good to-"

"Why?" He asked as he closed the door behind him.

"I don't understand."

"Why are you working for Ijun?" Chu's smile dropped and the color left his face. "I knew it from the day we met. The questions, the way you acted, when you opened your wallet and showed me a picture of your sister I saw her name on a business card. Little mistakes like that are costly."

Chu quickly grabbed a gun from under his pillow and pointed it at him. His hands were trembling as he stared at him.

"St-Stay back!"

"Relax, I haven't told anyone. You'd be dead by now." He pulled his mask down and gave him a small smile. "Just tell me why, what did she say to you to convince you?"

Chu teared up. "She has my sister." He sniffled and the tears already started to fall. "That woman...she's heartless, she has no remorse. She will kill her and it will be all my fault."

"I have something worth protecting." He whispered. "Chu, put the gun down."

He shook his head. "I-I-I can't, I have to-"

"Chu listen to me. I'm taking you back with me to our branch. The guys there are top notch, they'll help you get your love back I can promise you that. Where ever they are keeping her, they'll find it in no time and we'll send people to get her. We have plenty of money, they could rob a near by bank with no problem if they need more. We will make sure you both are on the next plane out of this country, we can protect you both. So put the gun down, please?"

Chu slowly lowered his gun and dropped it. He fell to his hands and knees as he sobbed loudly, apologizing profusely to him.

Beomgyu went over and hugged him. "I got you, you're safe now. Quickly grab your things and let's leave."

He did so and they quickly left going back to the warehouse. He found Hongjoong and Seonghwa.

"Who's this?"

"This is Chu, his sister was taken by Ijun. Create a team and get her as soon as you can, make them fake ID's and passports and set them up with one of our people across seas."

"No problem," he smiled at Chu. "Let's get to it shall we?"

Chu looked nervous but followed them. Beomgyu smiled as he watched them leave and then his phone rang.


"Beomgyu, I'm sorry."


"I left for a few minutes I was going for Sogeun's computer. She took him." Beomgyu's heart dropped. "And I have no way of getting to Yeonjun right now."

Beomgyu's heart was racing. This was happening too quickly, their plan, the mission, Ijun was becoming impatient and now he was in a place he didn't think he'd be in. Taehyun, his love, his life, was in danger and if he died it would be all his fault.

The secrets, the hiding, if he just came clean in the beginning none of this would be happening. If he never met Taehyun, if he just stayed away like he knew he should have he would be safe. He could've met someone normal, someone who wasn't broken.

"Beomgyu? Beomgyu!"


"You're scared, I am too. I want all of us to make it out. The only way we can is if we pull ourselves together to do this. The war has started, I need our strongest soldier to pull through, for Taehyun."

"R-Right, right. I'm sorry, Ijun wants me. I'll find her, call Rm-ssi, Suga-ssi, and V-ssi. Tell them it's started, give them everything you found as well and get someone to Yeonjun quickly."

"Got it!" They hung up and Beomgyu stood there for a moment.

This was unreal, there's no way this could be happening. He went to touch his necklace and gasped.

"No no no where did it go?" How long had it been missing? How didn't he realize that something so importantly to him was gone? Why couldn't he better?

"Beomgyu?" Seonghwa called.

Beomgyu was breathing heavily as he fell to his knees and held his chest. This was too much, everything was wrong. It was his fault.

"Beomgyu!" Seonghwa ran over and sat in front of him. "Yah, I think you're having a panic attack. Try slowing your breathing, it's gonna be alright." He hugged him. "Slow, deep breaths."

"I-I can't, I-*hic* i-it's my fault. It's all my fault."

"Don't say that. Everything will be okay, we fight together, remember? We are a family and I know everything will be okay, I know you'll make it out of this."

"She took him, she had Taehyun." He cried.

"You're not only Choi Beomgyu but Jet, the worlds third best criminal in the books. Beomgyu might be scared but Jet doesn't take shit from anyone. So let's kick ass."

Beomgyu wiped his face and nodded. "Right." This was no time to breakdown now. Taehyun needed him and it was time to finally kill the monsters.

It didn't take long for everyone to get there. The brought many others from all over, the most skilled weaponry, the smoothest liars, and the strongest fighters.

Beomgyu led them all, giving everyone an assignment.

"Ijun has made a move and so will we." He showed a picture. "This is agent Kang and agent Choi. Do not kill, these two need to be found and brought back here. Try not to kill too many agents but I know it can't be helped. Ijun needs to be killed on sight, you'll be divided evenly and we will be attacking the Purple Dragons, the maximum security prison on Jeju to get Yeonjun and kill Sogeun, and these two other areas that Hyunjin found on Sogeun's computer. Remember, retrieve Yeonjun, agent Kang and agent Choi, kill Ijun and Sogeun."

Everyone understood and quickly got into their teams and left.

Beomgyu's phone vibrated and he got a text from an unknown number.

No games, no backup, no weapons
Meet me here in 30 minutes or I kill him

Beomgyu put his phone away and went to Namjoon. "Rm-ssi," he showed him the text. "If I'm not back in two hours send someone for Taehyun. Please?"

He gave him a look and sighed. "Be careful."

"Yes sir."

"And Beomgyu?"


"Give her hell."

Beomgyu nodded. "Yes sir." He quickly got on his motorcycle and left. "Taehyun, please wait for me."

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

I think there will be about ten chapters left maybe a little more than that

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