The Anniversary

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Taehyun groaned as he rolled over in bed hugging the slightly colder body next to him. His eyes fluttered opened and adjusted, and the beautiful face of his fiancé sleeping soundlessly next to him came into view.

A small smile crept onto his face and he brought his hand up to caress his cheek, he brushed his long brown bangs out of his eyes and he felt his heart skip a beat.

He remembers the first day they met like it was yesterday. He remembers walking into his class in college and looking over the students and spotting him in the back of the class. He remembers thinking "wow" as he stared at him, walking to sit next to him, and his face heating up at the warm smile he gave him. It took him so long to work up the courage to finally speak to him and that's all Taehyun remembered from that day was him.

He leaned forward and kissed his cheek.

"Beommie." He whispered.

Beomgyu didn't move and continued to sleep.

Taehyun climbed on top of him and leaned down kissing his cheek, ear, and neck whispering his name to him.

"Mmmh~" Beomgyu groaned as he stirred in his sleep. "Hyunnie~"

Taehyun looked at him and saw he was still asleep. He smirked and kissed down his body and eventually came to his pants. He pulled them down a little, along with his underwear.

He rubbed and licked it until he was hard and then started to suck him off.

"Mmmh~" Beomgyu stirred more and pulled at the sheets. His eyes shot open and he saw Taehyun looking up at him. "T-Taehyun what are you-nngh~" He threw his head back. "Taehyun!"

His fiancé continues to suck and lick, his fingers were tangled in his hair and he eventually came into his mouth with a loud cry as his legs trembled.

"Haah~" his eyes fluttered open and Taehyun pulled off of him.

"Happy anniversary baby."

Beomgyu exhaled gently and looked at him.

"You should wake me up like this every morning agent Kang." He teased with a small smile.

"And what would I get in return?" He asked as he moved closer to his face.

"What more could you want? You already have me." They both laughed and kissed each other. Beomgyu held his face in his hands as the kiss deepened. "Fuck me."

Taehyun didn't need to be told twice. Morning sex on their anniversary sounded like a perfect way to start their morning, and when they were finished Beomgyu wore one of Taehyun's shirts as he watched him cook breakfast.

"How has work been?"

"Good, Soobin got really close to catching Yeonjun today."

"What was he after now?"

"A flash drive, we don't know what was on it but it seemed important."

Beomgyu felt his stomach turn. "So then what happened?"

"Yeonjun surrendered and exchanged the flash drive for his freedom and a meeting at a bar with him. So they're gonna see each other this Saturday."

"Sounds like a trap," He got up. "I'm gonna use the bathroom."

"Okay baby."

He grabbed his phone and went to the bathroom. He turned on the shower and dialed a number.


"You better have a good explanation for why the hell you would give him that flash drive!"

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