The Rat

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Soobin got home after a long day of work. He rubbed the back of his neck as he walked to his room, he switched his light on and looked up to see Yeonjun sitting in his bed bruised up and still a little swollen from his beating.

"You left the window unlocked. That's dangerous, criminals can get in."

Soobin unbuttoned his shirt a little. "Yeah you don't say." He walked over to him. "What happened to you?"

"Just a little scuffed up that's all." He says.

Soobin sat next to him. "If you came over here to have sex just know I'm not doing it with you in this condition."

Yeonjun scoffed. "I'm not fragile."

"You can't be strong all the time." He spoke. "And you only come here when something is wrong. Are you in trouble?"

Yeonjun didn't say anything. "There is a war coming. My organization has found out many things and so has your agency. They are planning things and there may be a day where I will be expected to do things that I had no problem doing before but now..." His voice faded. "I have a favor to ask."


"If I die, there are many things that I haven't said." He took a piece of paper out of his pocket. "This will tell you everything, but I trust you not to look unless you know I'm dead."

"What makes you think you'd die? You're one of the most skilled weaponry and combat fighters I've ever seen."

"I'm getting weak." He murmured.

"How? Why?"

"I'm starting to care." He slowly laid down in his bed and closed his eyes. "I'm tired,"

Soobin let him rest while he went to shower. He climbed into bed next to him and waited until he was sure Yeonjun was sleep before he opened his mouth to say something.


Hyunjin walked into the agency and sat at his desk that he shared with Soobin.

"Morning agent Choi." He said with a big smile.

Soobin ignored him. Hyunjin shrugged and got a phone call. He answered it and sat back in his chair.

"Agent Kim."

"Hyunjin we think Ijun is having a meet up with the purple dragons." Someone from the intel team said over the phone.

"And why is that important? It has nothing to do with me."

"Aren't you supposed to make them suspicious of her?"

"No, it could work but I don't like it." He responded bluntly. "I have my own work and ideas I think will work better. I'll discuss it when I get home. Don't call anymore I'm working." He hung up and Soobin looked at him.

"No private calls at work."

"My roommate is dying to remodel our living room. He can't help it. So what's the task for today?"

"Taehyun and I have some places to go. You on the other hand, you're on desk duty."

"On who's orders?"

"Mine, I'm your superior do you really wanna disobey me?" He asked while glaring at him.

Hyunjin chuckled. "Of course not, we're coworkers."

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