The End of the War

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"Why...why didn't you say anything?" He yelled as he tried to put pressure on it.

"Yeonjun!" Hyunjin called as he ran over and opened the other door. When he saw him the color left his face.

"Hyunjin help me get him out. He needs a doctor. I need help, is there a doctor?" He yelled loudly over the gun fire outside.

A woman ran over. "Keep pressure on it," she helped Yeonjun out, carrying him in her arms. Soobin didn't have time to be shocked over this petite woman carrying Yeonjun, he was losing too much blood.

Hyunjin didn't follow, he only watched them disappear down the hall. He sat down on the ground and covered his face.

"This is all my fault." He choked out through his tears.

Meanwhile, Beomgyu was fighting Ijun, like last time it was almost an equal fight. They kept trading blows but it was like a stalemate, neither of them could land a good hit on the other.

"I'll kill you here me. I'll kill both of you!" She yelled.

"You talk too much!" He finally landed a hit on her and she stumbled, Beomgyu moved closer again and she tried to recover but he hit her once more.

He had her on the floor and stood over her.

"It's over," he stared down at her. "I'm going to kill you, so any last words?"

"I should ask you the same thing."

Beomgyu cocked an eyebrow and then looked down noticing the red dot on his chest. His eyes widened and he was tackled to the ground as the bullet barely missed him.

Taehyun looked at him. "Are you okay?"

"Y-Yes." He looked behind him and saw Ijun standing with a gun. "NO!" He yelled.

But it was too late, three shots went off and hit Taehyun in the back. Ijun went to run but Beomgyu took out his gun stashed away in his pants leg and shot her. She fell dead to the floor and Beomgyu dropped his gun and looked at Taehyun.

"Taehyun!" He yelled. "Taehyun please!" He cried as he lifted his shirt to see the bulletproof vest. "What the-"

"Gotcha." Taehyun said as he opened his eyes.

"Oh you fucking asshole!" He pushed him as he wiped his face. "Fuck you!"

"Hey, it was payback for lying to me for years Beomgyu." His eyes widened and he looked at him. "Yes, I knew. I've had suspicions since I found out you didn't work at the bank, I didn't want to believe it but there was no denying it after I pulled this off of you during our last fight." He held up Beomgyu's pink diamond necklace.

"I'm so sorry." He said to him. "I was so scared of you getting hurt or leaving me and I couldn't risk losing you. I never wanted it to go this far. I just wanted to quietly kill Sogeun and never think about this life again but Ijun came into the picture and everything go so out of control. I...I'm so sorry Taehyun, please don't leave me."

Taehyun sat up. "Hey, look at me." He said as he wiped his tears away. "I love you, I love you more than I can explain. I was shocked at first and I was more hurt at the fact that you felt like you couldn't tell me these things. Having all of this on your conscious must have been so hard and stressful, talk to me for now on."

Beomgyu nodded and Taehyun slowly reached up and took his mask off with a large smile.

"There you are."

They hugged each other and Beomgyu couldn't stop crying. "I'm so happy, I'm so so happy."

"Me too, let's get back to safety."

They stood up and looked over. "She's gone?"

Beomgyu looked too and saw the blood trail to the elevator. "She's not getting away alive. She'll bleed out eventually." They we're about to leave when Beomgyu gasped. "Suga-ssi!" He called. "Suga-ssi are you there? Suga-ssi? Hyung!"

"Will you shut the hell up I'm trying to nap!" He yelled over the earpiece.

Beomgyu flinched. "I-I thought you died or something. What happened to the other sniper?"

"You have back up what makes you think I wouldn't bring back up for myself?"

"Hi Beomgyu!"


"Can you believe it? Finally some action!"

"Don't get a nosebleed kid."

Beomgyu smiled as he looked at Taehyun. "It's over?" He asked.

"Not yet, Sogeun has Yeonjun," he said as they entered the elevator. "We have to-"

He was interrupted when his phone rang. "Hello?"

"'s Yeonjun." Hyunjin said over the phone.

Those words left Beomgyu's blood running cold as he slowly looked at Taehyun with teary eyes.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

Beomgyu didn't say anything and they rushed back to the warehouse. When they walked in, everyone was standing around not saying anything.

He slowly walked over to Hyunjin who sitting down, Seonghwa was rubbing his back.

"Hyunjin where is he?" Beomgyu asked, his voice so quiet Seonghwa almost couldn't hear him.

"The doc still has him. Soobin won't leave."

"Soobin." Taehyun said, they went to the room and walked in. Soobin was crying as he held Yeonjun's hand.

Beomgyu closed his eyes and took deep breaths. Taehyun went over to Soobin and knelt down with him. Soobin told him everything right then and there, Taehyun understood with a sad smile as he rubbed his partner's back.

"He's gone," he cried loudly. "No no no! It's all my fault."

"No," Beomgyu said as he sat down with them. "It's mine." He touched Yeonjun's face as he looked at him. "He went through so much to protect my happiness, Suga-ssi was right...I was selfish. I never once thought about how all of this effected him."

"Don't say that." Yoongi waked in. "You two step out for a second."

Taehyun and Soobin did so and Taehyun waited outside the door for him.

"So, you and Yeonjun. I've had enough surprises for a life time."

Soobin wiped his face. "You're literally engaged to Jet."

"I didn't say I was perfect." Soobin couldn't help but give a small laugh. "You did what you could, we all did."

"Hey, look at this." They looked up and Hyunjin walked over.

He showed them his phone. "Look at how the media is handling Sogeun and Ijun."

"Shit I forgot you leaked everything." Taehyun looked at his phone seeing hundreds of messages from coworkers. "Work is gonna be hectic the next few days."

"I'm retiring starting now." Soobin spoke as he leaned back against the wall.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

So Yeonjun is dead the end 😃

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