The Meet-up

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TXT made another no skip album. I've been listening to it all morning and I watched the music video over and over for almost an hour because WHAT? They did amazing and never disappoint I'm so proud of them, I love how each song just attracts me to each member forever OT5

Beomgyu finished his meal and took the car over to the facility where they were holding them. It was just a prison but nicer, Beomgyu didn't like it at all. He knew they were probably being treated poorly as if they weren't victims to a man who was supposed to protect them.

He arrived and walked inside.

"Hi, umm I'm Taehyun's boyfriend. I saw those hurt people the other night and I really wanted to bring them a meal."

The woman smiled and nodded. "Of course, I'll have someone escort you to them."

"Thank you."

He waited and someone finally came. They walked him down the hall and then they went upstairs when they came to a lobby area where the guard had to use his keycard to get in. Beomgyu took note of that and had to be checked and pat down before entering.

When he did he walked over to where everyone was. Some were reading, watching tv, and talking amongst each other. But the majority sat and stared into space. Like their bodies had no soul, no liveliness in their eyes. Much like how Beomgyu was at one point.

"Hello everyone." Some of them looked up. "I don't know if any of you remember me or even saw me but I saw all of you the other night when you were found. I brought food and plates. There's plenty if you want some."

A few got up and Beomgyu passed out plates as he made them, whispering quiet your welcomes to those who said thank you. The ones he didn't get up, he walked over to with a plate.

He bowed before speaking to them and knelt down to their level.

"Are you hungry? Thirsty? Anything?" Beomgyu asked.

The man he was speaking to didn't answer as he seemed to stare through him. He asked the others and got the same results until he came to a woman.

"Ma'am, I made your plate. Do you want to eat something, or I can get you something to drink?" When she didn't answer and continued to stare out the window he started to walk away but someone grabbed his shirt.

He turned and looked at the woman.

"One of the others told me..." her voice was hoarse and small. He got closer to hear her. "They told me you were a victim once."

He silently nodded.

"You escaped, how?"

"I fought. They treated me with violence and I returned the favor." He knelt down in front of her and held both of her hands. They were cold with faded scars on them. "I'll make that man pay for what he did to us, he will never hurt anyone else again."

She gave him a nod. "Thank you." He gave her a plate of food which she accepted this time. "You know...he has many men on the inside. Sogeun."

"You know his name?"

"I wasn't that easy to brainwash. The others will have a hard time remembering but one of his men, I hear his name a lot."

"What is it?"

"Lee Yusuk."

"Thank you." He bowed once more and stood up.

After he spent time with everyone and fed them, he gave one of the kids his number.

"If you need anything and I mean anything. If you or anyone else is in danger or you want company, call me and I'll be here right away."

The kid smiled and nodded. "Thank you, mister..."

"Hyung is just fine. You make me feel old when you say, mister." He ruffled up his hair and said goodbye to everyone.

He got back to his car and when he got in he broke down into tears. All the memories of him being tortured and treated like garbage were fresh in his mind again and he didn't like it.

He quickly wiped his tears and took his phone out.


"Hongjoong hyung I need you to figure out if Sogeun worked with anyone else even temporarily, I don't care if it was even for an hour. I want their names and location, since our mission the store went bad and any evidence of Sogeun is probably gone we need another route. Also, Lee Yusuk, look into that name and send me everything you have on him. He works with Sogeun."

"I'll send you whatever Seonghwa and I find."

They hung up and Beomgyu went back home to rest.


Yeonjun never listened and instead of staying in bed he took some painkillers and went to do a little pickpocketing. He bumped into a few people and apologized while snagging their wallets and swiftly making off with jewelry amongst other things.

He walked into a gas station and grabbed a lollipop, taking the wrapper off and putting it into his mouth.

"Hey, ajussi."

"Ajussi?" He looked down and saw a kid staring up at him.

"Don't you have to pay for that first?"

"Uhhh no, no you don't." He knelt down and took a lollipop. "You see kid, stealing is only bad if you get caught so don't get caught." He unwrapped it for him and the child smiled and took it.

"Thank you." He ran off to find his mom and Yeonjun took a few more candies before leaving.

He continued sucking on his lollipop as he walked and then he rolled his eyes.

"You're so obvious it's sickening," Yeonjun yelled.

"I thought I was pretty discreet," Soobin called back as he jogged to catch up to him. "Did you pay for those?"

"Of course not," Yeonjun said and then gave him a chocolate bar.

"I don't eat stolen things."

"Yeah but you do fuck criminals so is it really that bad?" He teased. Soobin snatched the bar from him and ate it.

"So why are you here?"

"I hope you are well aware that you are a highly wanted criminal walking around like there isn't a bounty on your head."

"I like to live my life on the edge. You know what that's like don't you?"

Soobin watched him suck on his lollipop. "I live my life the way I want. I do good and what do you do? Oh right, make everyone's life harder."

"I make a lot of things hard agent Choi." He smirked at Soobin who wouldn't look at him. "You are trying to make me the bad guy here but face it, you are just as guilty as the rest of us. I mean, sneaking off and doing the things you do." He stopped walking and stood in front of him. "Doing things like me, you'd be fired on the spot if they knew. Then what would all this good guy bullshit mean to you?"

"What we did was a mistake, an accident."

"A mistake?" He chuckled. "You made the same mistake about five times now right? I fail to see how you accidentally fuck someone. Did you trip and your dick fell into my ass or something?"

"I'm not listening to this." He walked away from him.

Yeonjun smiled and watched him. "See you tonight?"


*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

When I asked about theories everyone was worried about Beomgyu getting caught and Taehyun potentially breaking up with him one said anything about anyone dying, do my lovely readers think everyone is safe? 😁

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