The Task

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What did you get?" Soobin asked as he sat down at their desk.

"Beomgyu is amazing, he helped me out a lot last night."

"Really? Sounds like he needs to be a detective instead of a...wait what does he do?"

"He works in an office."

"...and he does what there?"

Taehyun started thinking and then it hit him that he knew absolutely nothing about his job.

"You don't know?" Soobin laughed. "Some future husband you are."

"Wha-no no it's just, I ask him every day how work is but he never goes into detail." He muttered. "He just says something like good or y'know how office jobs are."

"Interesting sounds like someone has a secret life." Soobin teased.

"Very funny, he would never lie to me. That's how our relationship has worked for so long. Complete honesty."

"Mhmmm, anyways what did he come up with?"

"Uhhh oh right he uhh...he said that we should check out the three areas Jet went to and ask about what was taken and then that should tell us what his neck hit might be."

Soobin slowly nodded. "That's actually really smart. Okay, let's start with that then." And they both headed out.

They went to all three locations but they found the most crucial evidence at the police station.

"Our chief said you're more than welcome to check out the database with me watching of course." A young woman said.

"Great, thank you."

They checked the computer and Taehyun started the search.

"And you all don't have any video of him?"

"No, actually I believe you all helped us on that case. A flash drive was stolen from here."

"That's the one Yeonjun stole." Then it clicked. "Shit, Jet was on that drive and Yeonjun must've wiped the security system."

"Seems those two are a lot closer than we thought. Maybe love interests?"

Soobin felt his heart jump and he laughed. "I doubt it. Who would date someone like him?"

"Yeah, I wouldn't want to. Hey, I got something."

Both Soobin and the woman leaned over to look.

"Looks like you all have one missing thing from here."

"Yes, it was the file on Chief Han Sogeun. He used to work here."

"Really?" Soobin asked. "I didn't know that. Why would Jet want info on him?"

"Chief has always been on their ass so maybe he wants to get rid of him," Taehyun suggested. "Plus, we found out from the other two places that the info missing was from past workers. Like 30 years ago. Chief would've been in his 30s or 40s around that time. He's been Chief for about 20 years."

"It makes sense, get rid of the obstacle to get through easier."

"So how do we find his next hit?"

"Well since this guy is going after your chief it seems like you all should speak to him. See where else he's worked." The woman spoke.

"Great idea." They both bowed. "Thank you." Soobin smiled and she blushed as she bowed back and waved fo them.

When they left Taehyun nudged him. "She likes you."

"Shut up."

They got in the car to head back to headquarters. Once they returned they went to Chief Sogeun's office.

"Enter!" They heard him call after they knocked. "Agent Choi and agent Kang, what do you need?"

"We have reason to believe that Jet is after you," Soobin said. He gestured for them to sit down and they did so. "We checked the past three places that Jet has hit. All of them have been places you've worked at previously. The files that had been tampered with, were yours."

The man slowly nodded. "I see."

"Do you know who might be doing this?" Taehyun asked.

"Kid, I'm a cop. I've put away hundreds of people over the past 40 years it could be anyone."

"He's right, it's gonna be hard to narrow this down but do you have any other places you've worked? He might hit there next."

He began thinking. "The only other places I've worked apart from the ones you've already been to was this old grocery store. It was my first job, but you'll waste your time there, besides I doubt he'd go. There's really nothing there. It was owned by this old elderly couple when I was working there."

"What was it called?"

"Uhhhh...I can't remember. Something like Fresh Foods or whatever."

"Okay," Soobin said as they stood. "Thank you, sir, in the meantime I think it's safe to say that you need to keep a lookout. Maybe have someone escort you."

"The Chief getting an escort? I don't think so, but thanks, kid. I can take care of myself."

They nodded and bowed before leaving. Sogeun stared at the closed before glancing down at a locked drawer in his desk.


"What's up Beomgyu?" Yeonjun asked as he entered his room.

"One of the guys got back and found out he used to work at a grocery store," Beomgyu said as he grabbed his guns. "I'm going there."

"What can you possibly find at a grocery store?" Yeonjun asked.

Beomgyu pulled out his phone. "Smarty pants Seonghwa found out that the store sits on top of a hidden tunnel that was used years ago for smuggling under the radar. There's no telling what's down there."

"Where does it lead?"

"About a block from the store to the bar which he also found out was run by a local mob boss around the time he was working."

"Shit, this guy has more secrets than I do."

"Well, you're pretty easy to figure out." He teased.

"Oh shut up. So when are we going?"

"After they close, which is at ten tonight."

"I'll be ready." He watched Beomgyu gear up. "Can I ask you something?"

"What is it?"

"Have you thought about what you might do if Taehyun does find you on one of these missions?"

Beomgyu froze for a moment and then chuckled. "I haven't actually. I don't like to think about it."

Yeonjun nodded. "Right...we'll rest up for the mission. Something tells me they might be there." He walked out of his room.

Beomgyu continued to smile to himself. "Knowing them, they know exactly where we'll be next." He slowly slipped off his ring. Something he never wore during a mission.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

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