The Pain Pt. 1

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When Yeonjun woke up and realized it was sunrise he panicked because he knew Soobin was there. As he sat up the smell of food cooking hit him like a bullet.

It smelt really...good.

He slowly got up and left the bedroom. He saw Soobin humming to himself as he was cooking breakfast.

Yeonjun watched him for a little, not realizing that he was smiling as he watched him.

Soobin looked up and a large grin spread across his face. "Hey, you're up." He stopped and wiped his hands as he walked over.

"Where's your shirt?"

"It gets hot." He checked Yeonjun's face. "Are you feeling better? Any nausea, headaches, chest pains?"

"No doctor Choi I'm fine."

Soobin gave him a small smile. "I'm...I'm glad."

Yeonjun stared at him and then slowly looked behind him. "Your food is burning."

"Ah, shit!" He quickly ran over and started fanning the smoke.

Yeonjun chuckled a little and went to put his shoes on.

"H-Hey where are you going? I'm making us breakfast."

Yeonjun sighed. "Soobin I made it clear that I don't do relationships."

"You almost died in my house last night and you think I'm trying to get with you by making you breakfast?" He asked.

"Whatever this is, it's weird and I don't like it."

"You came here, you broke in and came here. Clearly, you wanted to see me."

"I just wanted to fuck like we always do. Don't think I want you around all of a sudden because I don't. I don't care about you Soobin, I don't care about anyone. I look after myself and worry about myself." He pulled his gun and pointed it at his head. "I could shoot you now and sleep like a baby. You don't mean shit to me."

Soobin stared at him before he grabbed his things and left. When the door closed he felt weird. Disappointment maybe? Anger, kind of. Whatever the feeling was...he didn't like it.


"I don't care Hongjoong just give me any mission."

"I said no, your head isn't straight."

"What are you my fucking parent? Just assign me a mission or I'll find one."

Hongjoong looked at him. "You know what? Fine." He looked at the computer and then smiled. "Your mission is to break into our rival gang's headquarters. I want files of every transaction they have made and a bonus if you can figure out their next hit."

"Fine. Send me the location."

"Mmmm no, you have to find it. It's somewhere in Busan so bye." He waved and got up, taking the laptop with him.

"Asshole." He muttered as he got on his bike and started his drive to Busan.

Beomgyu was riding in as he was riding out, they made eye contact through their helmets before looking away. Beomgyu got inside and took his helmet off. He shook his hair out and sat the helmet down as he went to find Hongjoong.


"Hey kid, how you feeling?"

"You're only like three years older than me." He muttered with a glare. "I'm fine, anyways where is Yeonjun going?"

"Oh, I didn't realize you cared." He said with an amused smile.

He rolled his eyes. "I don't, I can do whatever he's doing but better."

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