The Want

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Soobin got home from work and switched on the lights as he took off his jacket and shoes. He started to unbutton his shirt on the way to his room and when he turned on the light he saw Yeonjun sitting on his bed.

"Took you long enough."

Soobin sighed. "What are you doing here?" He asked as he walked to his bed and sat down as he took his shirt off.

"I thought I dropped by, I was in the neighborhood." He answered as he laid back on his bed.

"You shouldn't be here." He stood up and walked to his drawer taking out a plain t-shirt.

"I shouldn't be here, I shouldn't steal, I shouldn't kill people. There are a lot of things I shouldn't do." He said in a condescending voice. "You shouldn't have fucked me but you did that didn't you agent Choi?"

Soobin's mouth went dry. "That was a one-time thing. An accident." He put his shirt on and heard Yeonjun get off the bed and walk over to him.

"So you don't want me right now?" He asked as he slowly took his hands and touched his back.

"No, I don't."

"Liar. You've wanted me from the very beginning, it's frustrating trying to catch a ghost isn't it? Aren't you tired of working so hard? Should I take care of you?"

Soobin felt his hands tighten into fists as he tried to ignore him.

"Or do I annoy you? Do I make you angry agent Choi?" He asked and started to press gentle kisses on his shoulder and neck. "Don't you want to take your frustration out on me?" He reached down and slipped his hands into the front of his pants. "Don't you want to fuck me?"

Soobin turned around and kissed him walking him back to the bed. He pinned his hands above his head and Yeonjun moaned as he kissed, sucked, and bit his neck.

"Soobin~" He whimpered.

It didn't take long for Soobin quickly stripped them out of their clothes, he prepped Yeonjun, and was soon thrusting into him.

"A-Aah~Soobin!" He gripped the sheets as Soobin held his hips. "Nngh aah~"

Soobin pushed his face into the sheets as he went harder. Yeonjun moaned into sheets, he was completely overwhelmed as the feeling engulfed him.

He could hear Soobin letting out a few grunts and groans. Yeonjun was so tight and warm around him.

"Shit Yeonjun."


Soobin knew he liked this too much. Yeonjun, someone who is usually so dominant and playful was whiny and crying while he got fucked.

"Soobin, oh my gosh please~" He cried.

Soobin wasn't going as fast and rough as Yeonjun wanted and he knew he could do more. Which is why Yeonjun switched their positions so he was on top, and like last time Soobin was shocked by the sudden change.

He watched as Yeonjun didn't waste any time riding him, he rocked his hips and bounced on him. He balanced himself by placing his hands on his chest and he moaned loudly over and over.

"Fuck, Yeonjun!" He threw his head back as he moaned with him.

"Soobin I wanna cum!"

Soobin grabbed his hips and thrust up into him to help. Their moans got louder, skin got warmer, and the funny feeling in their stomach started to rise. It didn't take much longer before Yeonjun came on himself. He whimpered and sniffled as Soobin kept pounding away. He enjoyed the cute noises he let out and when he felt Yeonjun clamp down on him he came into his condom.

They lay their sweaty and tired for a while before Yeonjun spoke.

"I'm showering first." He said.

Soobin couldn't help but chuckle. "This is my apartment."

"Yeah well, I'm the guest."

"Uninvited guest."

"Yeah yeah."

After Yeonjun got cleaned up he left while Soobin was showering. When he came out and saw he was gone he didn't think too much about it, but he fell asleep a little faster than usual.


"So this guy broke into your house while you were cooking and you stuffed him in the closet?" Yeonjun asked as they stared at the dead man. "He smells horrible."

"Well, he's dead what did you expect?"

"How did Taehyun not smell him?"

"I lied and told him I found a dead rodent in the house. He said he'd call an exterminator but I canceled it, I'll just tell them they came by. Can you just help me get rid of it?"

"Well it's daytime and you don't want anyone to see sooooo..." He took out a large butcher knife from his book bag. "Let's get to it."

Beomgyu groaned a little before they chopped the guy up so he'd fit into the garbage bag. He cleaned up while Yeonjun took the bag outside to his car.

He came back and Beomgyu was already done cleaning.

"You are the fastest cleaning person I've ever met." He said and Beomgyu smiled.

"I try." He closed the closet and they both sat down.

"You're aware of the black market exchange this weekend right?" Beomgyu asked.

"Yeah, Yoongi wants us to go and find some supplier there to keep in contact with. Apparently, this is the only way to get to him. I hear he's pretty quick though, it seems boss is getting tired of our current one."

"He is pretty slow. It took a month to get bullets. Missions using only bats and knives is so annoying."

"I like it."

"That's because you are a psycho who likes to stab people sometimes."

"It makes me calm."

Silence fell over them for a few moments.

"So we're just gonna ignore those hickies you're trying to hide?" Beomgyu asked.

Yeonjun blushed. "What hickies?"

"I'm not stupid Yeonjun. Who did you sleep with?"

"No one." He stood up. "Anyways, I should get going. It's not good to have me here."

Beomgyu didn't ask any more questions but couldn't help but laugh. "Thanks for helping."

"No problem, see you at the market?"

"Of course." He walked him out and went to clean himself up.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Not me literally forgetting to publish this chapter twice

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