The Start of a War

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"Hyunnie come to bed," Beomgyu called.

"Just a few more minutes!"

Beomgyu sighed as he climbed out of bed and went to the living room where Taehyun was reading over the files.

"Hyun you've been sitting in the same spot for almost three hours. It's late, come sleep."

"I promise just five more minutes."

Beomgyu sighed. "Alright." He turned to go back to bed but stopped when Taehyun spoke.

"This Jet guy...I can't figure him out."

Beomgyu's heart started racing but he had to keep calm. "What do you mean?" He asked as he slowly walked back over.

"That black market mission. I never told you but I fought him, and he could've killed me. I should've died but instead he...he saved me. Why would a heartless killer do that?"

Beomgyu sat down next to him. "Can I see?" He asked while gesturing to the file.

"Yeah sure. What do you think? You've always been so wise beyond your years."

He laughed. "I think that's you." He looked at the file. "You don't have much on him."

"Seems he doesn't get out much."

Beomgyu read. "He's a hacker and skilled in hand-to-hand combat, associated with Yeonjun, spotted in various locations..."

"We'll never catch him with this shit."

"Not necessarily." He spoke. "He's a hacker and there's one thing I know about hackers. Give them a rich database and they'll go wild."

"A rich database?"

"Yeah, something that's top secret y'know. From the half of page profile you have on him, it's clear he's more so of a computer geek. You might not get much like the book you have of Yeonjun but you might be able to get his next hit." He pointed. "He's been to these three places, the maximum security prison in Seoul, the Seoul police station, and some random library. Retrace his steps, figure out what he took and you figure out his next move."

"'re right." Taehyun hugged him. "You're amazing baby."

Beomgyu smiled. "Anything to get you to come to bed." He stood up. "Worry about this in the morning but I've told you about how I felt about work in the house."

"I know I know." He stood up. "I love you."

"I love you too." They shared a kiss and went to bed.

Once Taehyun fell asleep Beomgyu opened his eyes and slowly sat up making sure not to wake him. He slowly climbed out of bed and stepped out to make a phone call.

"Hello?" Yeonjun said in a groggy voice.

"Junnie we have a problem."

"I'll be there in five minutes." He hung up and Beomgyu waited outside, he soon heard Yeonjun's motorcycle and he looked up watching him get off and run over, taking his helmet off.

"What's wrong? Did something happen to Taehyun?" He asked frantically.

"No no, they've been put on our case. Taehyun and Soobin can not figure out who I am I'll lose everything and I can't lose him Yeonjun I can't-"

"Shhhh hey hey, calm down." He hugged him tightly.

"You were right about everything Yeonjun. If he finds out he wouldn't love me anymore. He'd leave me and I need him." He cried. "I feel so human with him and normal and I feel so...I feel free y'know?" He looked up at him. "I can't keep doing this Yeonjun."

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