The End

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Too lazy to proofread 🤪
_(:3 」∠)_

"Mr. Choi!" A little girl yelled.

Yeonjun quickly ran over to her and dropped to his knees. "What's wrong Mae are you hurt?" He asked as he checked her face and arms.

"No look." She showed a baby bird in her hands.

Yeonjun exhaled in relief. "You almost gave me a heart attack, Chu would kill me if anything happened to you under my watch." He looked up. "There's a birds nest, the poor thing probably just fell."

"We have to help him."

Yeonjun started thinking. "Okay, I'll climb up there and put the baby back in."

Mae handed the baby over and Yeonjun put the bird in his shirt that was tucked in so it wouldn't fall out as he started to climb. He got to the branch and all the other kids came around to watch.

He placed the baby bird back in the nest gently with the others and jumped down landing on his feet.


Yeonjun blushed a little as the kids clapped, clearly impressed by him.

"You're so cool Mr. Choi!"

"Yeah, you're the best teacher ever!"

"Thank you everyone, let's get back to the playground now okay?"

Yeonjun became a kindergarten teacher and fell in love with helping kids. It was hard getting the job but Hongjoong helped fake a few things and Soobin wiped his name clean from their criminal database, so his record didn't exist.

"Be careful with that Yumi!" Yeonjun called as he pushed Mae on the swing. She clinged to him the most since he babysat her a lot and because she always clinged to him the only friend she had was Nabi, Taehyun and Beomgyu's daughter for obvious reasons.

"Uncle Junnie higher~"

"You're supposed to call me Mr. Choi while at school Mae~" Yeonjun sang.

"Sorry." He pushed her higher and she giggled.

After school Yeonjun waited with Mae while he watched all his other students gets picked up by their parents.


"Chu-oppa!" She ran over and jumped into her brother's arm.

"Did you have fun at school with uncle Jun?" He asked.

"Mhm~he saved a baby bird and climbed this super high tree!"

"Wow really? Well he has to tell me all about that. Go wait in the car with your Nana and we can go home. I made your favorite for dinner!"

She clapped happily and ran to the car. An older woman hugged her and helped her get in. Chu walked over to Yeonjun.

"How's she doing in school?"

"She's doing good, she has a hard time interacting with the other kids and it's because she's comfortable with me and Nabi. I try to help but she'll make friends when she's ready."

"I was thinking about putting her in an after school program like taekwondo or maybe art."

"That's a good idea, talk it over with her I think she'll like it."

"Thanks hyung." He waved to him and went back to his car.

"Uncle Jun!" Yeonjun looked over and Nabi ran over to him crying.

"Baby what's wrong?" He asked.

"That scary man tried to take me away!"

She pointed over to a man in a hoodie who was watching and then quickly looked away and started walking.

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