The War Pt. 1

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"You gonna torture me or something?" Yeonjun asked as they brought over a table and started placing items on them.

"No. I'm really tired of you Yeonjun, I'm sending a message to all of your little friends. Today is the day you meet your maker." He gave him a sly smirk. "But I know your friends may come for you and when they do, I'll be ready for them."

Yeonjun was about to say something but they put something over his mouth and tied it to the chair so he couldn't talk. Now that he was thinking about it, he couldn't really move that well.

"See you in a few Yeonjun." Sogeun left the room for a moment.

"Please don't come for me." He thought to himself as a tear slipped out of his eye as they placed down old blankets down on the floor around him.

Sogeun came back he was wearing different clothes and rolled his sleeves up as he walked over.

"I'm going to enjoy this." He looked at the three men. "Leave us." They bowed and exited the room.

He walked over to Yeonjun and took the mouth guard off so he could speak.

"You won't get away with this!" He yelled at him. "My friends will find you and-"

"And what? Kill me? I'm the biggest threat, I'm the dangerous one they should be scared of me!" He yelled. "I'll kill every person who dares to stand in my way and you all should know that. Anyone you've ever cared about, their blood will be on you!"

"You're fucking crazy! You do all of this to feel powerful because what huh? Why are you doing any of this?"

A disgusting grin spread on his face. "Because it's fun." He started to untie him. "It'll be a lot more fun to get you out of these restraints."

"Is that really wise old man?"

"Do you know why you're second on the worlds most wanted list?" He asked. "Clearly because there's a number one, and do you know who that is?" He laughed. "You're looking at him!"

Yeonjun stood up as they stared at each other.

"I've changed identities more times than I can count. Even if you found anything on me it wouldn't hold up, no one will believe you."

"Then I'll make them listen. I'll tell the world what kind of man you are."

"Sure you will."

Yeonjun went to hit him but Sogeun blocked and for an old man he was very light on his feet. The more Yeonjun tried to fight, the faster he tried to be, the harder he tried to hit, it only seemed to miss him by a little. It didn't take long before he started to get tired and that's when Sogeun finally started to fight back.

Yeonjun could barely keep up now, he was out of breath and his movements became sloppy. Sogeun landed each blow until Yeonjun was left on the floor barely moving. His face beaten and battered, blood dripping from his mouth.

"Beg." Sogeun said as he grabbed a fistful of his hair. "Beg for your life."

"I'd...I-I'd never beg t-to someone like you." He stammered out weakly.

"Still so prideful even when you've been reduced to this? You're nothing now, you're about to die actually yet you still act like this. You're pathetic!"

" I'm not pathetic. It's you who despite being given everything still seeked more, you are filled with hate for anyone weaker than you and greed. You have no friends, no real family because even your own daughter hates you. You'll burn in hell and I can't wait to watch."

Sogeun glared at him before standing up and kicking him in the stomach. Yeonjun gasped and coughed.

Sogeun went and grabbed the tool bag he came in with. "I'll have you begging for me to kill you soon you little bitch! I'll make you regret ever being born."

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