The War Pt. 2

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Hyunjin met up with Soobin in an empty parking lot.

"You read everything?" He asked as Soobin walked over.


"I'd love to sit here and give you some sorta comforting pep talk, but we don't have time for that. Jet went after Ijun and he has backup, I trust that he'll get Taehyun." He sent him a text and Soobin looked at it. "But Yeonjun is alone with Sogeun, I trust that you can get him back."

"But what about-"

"I have everything covered, just get to that location I sent you." He opened the trunk of his car showing the weapons. "You're gonna need these and another thing. People like Sogeun, they are unpredictable so be careful."


"Don't thank me until you're out alive with Yeonjun."


Soobin left and he had a lot on his mind but the person he's been sleeping with, the person he thought he'd never develop a relationship with was in danger and he had to get to him.

He stepped on the gas pedal harder and it didn't take long to get to the abandoned warehouse that Sogeun was in. He parked a little far and quickly walked around, he saw people standing by every entrance armed with weapons.

He put a suppressor on his gun and aimed shooting each one he could see. He snuck around and killed the others so no one would walk around and see them. As he started to move he heard Yeonjun scream.

That sent him running before he could think. He quickly went inside and saw Sogeun on top of Yeonjun, he had pierced his hand with a knife and Yeonjun screamed as he tried to push back.

"Chief!" He yelled.

They both turned their heads and Sogeun looked a bit shocked.

"Quickly, I got him! He tried to kill me!" Sogeun yelled.

Soobin saw how there was almost no scratches on him and then he saw the bruised up mess Yeonjun was as the knife was starting to get closer to his face.

"I'll take him in." He moved closer with his gun pointed.

"We don't have time for that, he's resisting. Kill him!"

Soobin stared down at Yeonjun, his heart was racing. He wasn't sure how he should go about this, but since Sogeun was distracted Yeonjun took his chance and was able to land a punch in his face. He quickly moved away and pulled the knife out of his hand and threw it stabbing Sogeun in the shoulder.

He let out a scream and looked at Soobin.

"SHOOT HIM!" He yelled as he pulled the knife out of his shoulder.

"Agent Han're under arrest for multiple counts of murder, perjury, fraud, and conspiracy to conduct criminal activity."

"What?" He watched as Soobin slowly turned the gun to him. "You dare point that thing at me! I'm your boss I-"

"You lied to me!" He yelled. "To everyone, I thought you were a hero. I looked up to you and I trusted you with my life. I was never meant to take Yeonjun in, it was always you and you made sure my focus was always on him. People might not believe Yeonjun but they'll believe me, you're under arrest. On the ground, now!"

Sogeun stared at him and the laughed. "You won't shoot me, there other people who look up to me. Not just you!"

"I'll tell everyone everything."

Just then they heard multiple cars approaching quickly. A sly smirk spread on Sogeun's face.

"Looks like back up is here." He said.

"But how-"

"You killed everyone outside didn't you. If none of those men responded to their calls, the others would be altered that something was wrong. You're fucked now, you joined the wrong team!"

Soobin went to Yeonjun's side.

"Can you fight?" He asked as he handed him his other gun.

"There will be too many, we need to escape." He turned around. "The back door, let's go."

They quickly left and as soon as they made it out Yeonjun stumbled a little, Soobin quickly caught him.

"I will slow you down." He said as Soobin helped him to run.

"Shut up." He entered another empty building and they went upstairs hiding in one of the rooms. "...Yeonjun I'm-"

"If you're gonna apologize don't." Yeonjun said as he slowly looked at him. "I deserve this."

"No you don't, don't say that. We'll make it."

Yeonjun lifted his gun and shot the guy at the door.

"They'll know we're here. You have to go."

"I'm not leaving you."

"Please," he slowly closed his eyes. "I'm at my limit." He whispered. "I'm sorry...I can't keep going."

"Yes you can!" Soobin picked him up and put him on his back. "I run you shoot, do you hear me?"

" you think you're talking to?"

"Even on the brink of death you still act like this." He quickly left and Yeonjun shot every person who came into view as Soobin tried to get to the car. "Just a little further."

Yeonjun had to change his bullets and then heard someone shooting at them. He turned around and shot him in the head.

Soobin made it to the car and quickly sped off and called Hyunjin.

"Did you get him?"

"Yes but there are more guys on my ass and Yeonjun needs a doctor."

"Bring him back to the warehouse, I put the address in your phone."

Soobin focused on the road and quickly approached the warehouse driving in. The few cars that were tailing them were soon stopped when Seonghwa along with the others ran outside with automatic guns shooting at them before they could stop.

They killed the drivers and it didn't take long for the cars to spin out and flip or crash into something.

Soobin opened the back door and saw Yeonjun coughing up blood. He was wearing black so Soobin didn't notice the bullet wound to his stomach.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Welp uhhh😃

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