The Ignition

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"So, after reviewing all the evidence given to us by this anonymous group we found that these things said about former chief Han Sogeun were unfortunately true," Taehyun spoke during a conference. "The people you know, the people you look up to and respect may not be who you think they are. But the people you judge and misunderstand without facts can become the most trustworthy of people,"

Beomgyu smiled as he watched the TV with Hyunjin.

"That's my Taehyun." He said.

"A full investigation of our department has begun to insure that this doesn't happen again. Now a few words from our recently appointed chief." He stepped back and another older man took the stand to speak.

Taehyun stood with Soobin behind him.

"How are you holding up?" He whispered fo him.

"Sogeun and Ijun are still out there."

"That's not what I'm talking about."

Soobin took a deep breath. "Once everything is back to normal I need to take a minute to myself. There are a few things I need to do."

Taehyun nodded. "I understand...the wedding-"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." Soobin said while smiling at him. "I'm your best man, I can't miss it."

"Thank you Bin." He held his hand giving it a little squeeze before they stood in position again as the chief turned to look at them.

"Agent Kang Taehyun and agent Choi Soobin showed nothing but dedication to this case. They put their lives on the line and in the end brought our true enemies to light." He gave them both medals and Taehyun didn't know how to feel about this.

After the conference and the press, Taehyun was finally able to go home.

"Taehyun." Beomgyu greeted him at the door. Taehyun looked at him and then pulled him into a tight hug. "Hyunnie? Are you alright?" He asked as he hugged him back.

"It's been such a long time since you've greeted me after work. I didn't realize how much I missed it. I've missed you, Beomgyu." He whispered to him.

"Taehyun." He whispered his name almost breathlessly.

Taehyun kissed him and Beomgyu melted in his arms. "I want you, right now." He said as he hooked his thumbs on the rim of his pants.


"I'm still here."

Taehyun's eye twitched and he looked at Hyunjin who stepped out of the kitchen wiping his hands with a rag.

"Why are you here?" He turned and looked at Beomgyu. "Why is he here?"

"He helped me cooked and we watched the conference together. You looked good up there." He said as he patted his chest walking over to Hyunjin.

"The cookies will be done in five minutes." He said as he looked at Beomgyu. "Don't forget to take them out cutie."

"Cutie?" Taehyun murmured with another eye twitch.

"I won't." Beomgyu said as he set the timer to five minutes. "They smell good."

"Well I'll get out of here before I hear you two fuck each other."

Beomgyu blushed a little.

"Before you go I just wanted to say thank you." Taehyun said. "With everything that was happening and with...Yeonjun. It's been hard on everyone but you and Beomgyu went through it the hardest. You put a lot on the line for us, so thank you."

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