The Punishment

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"And these two run the other six, divided in half for them to look over for their boss." Ijun said as she showed them pictures to the chief, Soobin, and Taehyun. "I have an understanding that you two have come close to Yeonjun and Jet right?" She asked while staring at Taehyun.

"Yes we have, they always seen to get away."

"I think I know Jet's identity." She said with a straight face even thoughts she wanted to laugh.

"Really? Who do you think it is?" He asked.

"Well I believe it's-"

The door swung up and Hyunjin walked in. "Good afternoon I'm your new intern Kim Junha and I've been assigned to accompany you."

"On who's authorization?" Sogeun asked as he walked over.

"Yours sir."

"What? I never-"

"It was a while ago, it would be easy to forget. Anyways it's all there and I would have you know I graduated top of my class in the academy. These two that you are handling are a tough case, another pair of hands wouldn't hurt. It's clear that these two have a quarrel with you, now we've seen them do some risky things to get to you. I think testing their luck will trap them."

Everyone exchanged looks and Sogeun nodded. "Take a seat."

"I'm in." Hyunjin thought to himself as he sat down next to Soobin.

"Ijun was just about to tell us who she thinks Jet's real identity is."

Hyunjin looked at her. "All these years of us not even knowing of his existence, he turns up for a not even two months and you know who he is?"

"Are you questioning me?"

"Absolutely." He answered. "You see, criminals like these will lead you to believe other things. But these two are extremely intelligent. Yeonjun just let us know because he likes to play, he knows he's hard to catch. Jet clearly takes it more seriously so I believe if you do know something it's fake."

Ijun glared at him. "You-"

"He's right." Taehyun spoke. "They are smart and there is no way Jet would slip up and some how leak his true identity. It's probably fake, just like with Yeonjun and the dud flash drive. They move carefully, the only way to catch them is to think like them."

"You three come up a plan and get back to me tomorrow, don't disappoint me." He stood. "Ijun, follow."

She seemed flustered but reluctantly got up and followed her father out.

"Alright agent Kim, what do you propose we do?" Soobin asked. "Since you know so much."

"Soobin." Taehyun whispered.

Hyunjin smiled. "It's quite alright. I'd be pretty pissed if it took me years to get to where you are just to have some pretty boy walk in and get it just like that. I let the academy a few months ago and I'm here, I would be jealous of me too. But trust me, we won't get anywhere fighting." He stood. "I'm going on lunch I can't think on an empty stomach." And he left.

"I should've punched him." Soobin said.

"Dude what's your problem?"

"I have a bad feeling about him."

"Well you are being insane and you're letting your pride get ahead of you. He's here to help, we can use it. So don't be a jerk."

Soobin watched Taehyun leave and he sighed as he slouched in his chair. His mind slowly wondering to Yeonjun.


Yeonjun and Beomgyu had another meeting with Namjoon, Yoongi, and V.

"I'm not happy with either of you but Beomgyu especially put us in a tough spot. If this was twenty years ago we'd cut off your finger, but I think it's fair that you spill blood for the people who may die because of you." Namjoon spoke.

Beomgyu was about to speak but Yeonjun opened his mouth first.

"Because Beomgyu goes home to Taehyun he shouldn't take the beating. He won't be able to make up an excuse for it if he sees them. I'll take the punishment sir."

"Yeonjun what are you doing?" Beomgyu asked.

"Saving our asses. Taehyun isn't suspicious of us yet, we need time to come up with a lie for you, and it would be better if you weren't purple when he saw you."


"Fine." Yoongi stood up. "But he's going to watch."

Yeonjun was stripped of his shirt and pants and was tied to a chair. He watched as a two men from another division walked inside, dressed in all black and wearing ski masks.

Beomgyu flinched when they began to hit him. At one point Yeonjun was punched and his mouth filled with blood. He spat it out, groaning and coughing.

One of the guys yanked his hair back while the other punched him once more.

"Suga-ssi I'm sorry please stop this." Beomgyu said to him. When he didn't say anything, Beomgyu had lowered his head to keep himself from watching.

Yoongi grabbed a fistful of his hair and yanked it back forcing his head up.

"You're not allowed to turn your head away from him. You risked his life, yours, and everyone here because of what exactly? You are selfish and careless. You should be getting beat and not him, so you watch what you caused." He let him go and Beomgyu watched with a heavy heart.

They beat him for what felt like hours but was only a couple of minutes until he loss consciousness. He was dragged out and Beomgyu watched the doctor tend to his wounds.

When she left, Beomgyu held his hand and waited for him to wake up. When he finally came to, he smiled at him with tears in his eyes.

"I'm really sorry Yeonjun."

He groaned a little, he looked at him, one of his eyes was swollen shut and the other he could barely keep open.

"Why are you crying?" He slowly reached up and wiped his tears away. Beomgyu held his hand and shook his head.

"I'm sorry. It's all my fault."

Yeonjun stared at him. "Before you joined, there was a guy who did the same job as you. His name was Ahn Wonjae."

Beomgyu held his hand a little tighter. "I'm listening."

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Ooooo we're getting some backstory 😄

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