The Time

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5 Months Later...

"T-Taehyun p-please give me a break~I-I can't Aahh~" He came again and Taehyun pulled out and turned him around so he could look at him.

They had just got back from a dinner date. Beomgyu did his makeup and the mascara wasn't waterproof so it was running down his cheeks as he sniffled and trembled under him.

Beomgyu watched as his dick grew harder again.

"No no that's enough Taehyun I've come so many times I can't."

"I'm sure a few more times wouldn't hurt." He said with a large grin.

"I-I mean it Taehyun stop!"

His husband pointed a little and then smiled kissing his face. "I'll clean you up."

Beomgyu watched him go to the bathroom and start the bath. He exhaled deeply as he relaxed on the bed groaning.

"I married an animal." He murmured up at the ceiling.

The next day came and Beomgyu was resting in bed. Yeah, was, because the next thing he knew was moaning as Taehyun sucked him off. His hands tangled in his hair as he covered his mouth.

"T-Taehyun it's early, th-the neighbors nngh they'll hear."

Taehyun pulled off. "Then you'll have to be quiet." He went back to sucking him off and Beomgyu covered his mouth with one hand as he closed his eyes.

"Nngh~mmmh~" He moaned into his hand.

Taehyun looked up at him and felt his chest fill with warmth. He looked so pretty moaning because of him, it only prompted him to do more. He flatter his tongue and took him in deeper until his dick was hitting the back of his throat. He bobbed his head and Beomgyu's hand tightened on his hair.

"Haah~fuck Taehyun! 'M gonna cum!" He cried out.

He tugged at the sheets as he started to buck his hips up a little. Taehyun held them down and soon Beomgyu was spilling into his mouth with loud, pathetic moans.

His legs trembled as he whimpered. Taehyun pulled off of him and swallowed before smirking.

"So pretty."

Beomgyu looked at him and gave a weak laugh. "You're gonna be the death of me at this rate."

They had breakfast together and during breakfast Beomgyu's curiosity started a conversation.

"I know this is really random, but I've always wondered how did you figure out I was Jet?"

"Well, I was suspicious of what you were doing. I know I confronted you about the bank thing and I was really worried about you cheating. That night we were home together, the things you told me about things being complicated and you not being able to tell me convinced me that you didn't cheat." He looked at him. "I don't think a cheater could look at someone as loving as you did. I could tell that you were torn up and having a difficult time. I knew it was serious. The day we fought when Yeonjun was captured when you were on top of me I accidentally pulled your necklace off and you didn't notice. I kept it hidden but when I saw it I knew."

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