The Temper

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Beomgyu was cooking one day, and Taehyun greeted him with a warm kiss on the cheek as he pulled him in by the hips.

"Smells good."

"I'm glad it does."

"How did you learn to cook?"

"Beomgyu quit burning everything. Just listen to me okay, to make it fluffy add a little milk, a few pinches of sugar to make it a little sweet, and some salt to taste and a little hot sauce never killed anyone."

"Okay, Jomin relax I got it."

A small smile crept onto his face. "I taught myself. A lot of cookbooks y'know."

"After we eat why don't we go for a walk or something? Just you and me."

"That sounds nice I'd love to."

Taehyun never asked him about his job. He didn't want to think about it. Beomgyu was with him right now so he was happy and this would always be more than enough for him.

After they ate together, they got ready and headed out together. It was a little chilly so Beomgyu walked closer to him and he held his arm.

"I can't wait to get married one day," Taehyun says while on their walk. "You really mean the world to me."

"Aww, me too. I can't wait, now that the wedding planning is over we just have to set a date and send out invitations. I can't wait to marry my forever." He kissed him gently and Taehyun kissed him back.

They sat down in a park and watched people and kids play and walk by.

"How has work been?"

"Good, we've gotten a lot of intel."

"Yeah? That's good right?"

"Definitely, we did a drug bust and one of the guys couldn't stop talking. He was terrified about going to jail and talked about a fake drug deal by some guy named Suga to a gang named the purple dragons."

Beomgyu's heart sank.

"We're still trying to figure out who Suga is, he could be the key to taking out Yeonjun and Jet or that entire organization for a matter of fact. We've had our entire cyber team working on getting us anything while we talk to this guy about Suga and the rest of the gangs."

"What's his name?"

"Uhhh, Song Kyungmo. My chief spoke to him and decided to hold him at the facility. He's been a little quiet now but he's still cooperating."

"I see. I feel like every time I ask you about your job you keep getting yourself deeper and deeper into this case."

"And I told you as soon as it's over I'm leaving I promise baby." He leaned in and kissed him gently. "You have nothing to worry about. Okay?"

He sighed. "Okay."

But Beomgyu couldn't help but fidget with his hands a little.

"Let's head back home it's really cold out." Taehyun said, "or maybe go for a little snack. All this walking made me hungry again."

Beomgyu smiled and nodded. "Okay, Hyunnie."

They stood and went to find a local restaurant. They settled on Korean fried chicken and finally started to make their way back.

Beomgyu laughed at something Taehyun said and clung to his arm but then he suddenly stopped walking. Beomgyu opened his eyes and looked at him. "What's wrong?"

He looked and saw a group of guys, four of them, and they all looked pissed for some reason.

"We don't want any trouble," Taehyun said as he held Beomgyu close. "I'm a government agent, you don't wanna do this."

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