The Payback

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"Hahahaha! That idiot tried to kill me and got caught." Yoonwoo, the gangster's son joked. "And I heard he's supposed to be the greatest." He was having drinks outside with three other friends.

In the midst of their laughing, they heard a separate laugh coming from behind them. They looked and saw Yeonjun wiping blood off of his knife as he walked over to them.

"That really is funny kid." He walked over and when he saw one of his friends about to reach for something he threw his knife at his hand. It went right through and his friend screamed.

"Now why would you do something so stupid?" He walked over and grabbed one of their drinks before chugging it. "For a rich kid, you don't have a lot of expensive drinks."

He sat next to Yoonwoo.

"W-What do you want?" Yoonwoo stammered out.

"What makes you think I need something from you?" He asked as he polished his gun in front of him.

"Well if you don't want anything then why are you here?"

"Because I want something from you." He looked at him and laughed. "Hahaha, you thought I didn't want anything." He continued to laugh which freaked everyone out.

While he was laughing his other friend reached for a gun and Yeonjun shot both of them.

"NO!" Yoonwoo yelled.

Yeonjun sighed. "Damn, I didn't want to do that...that's a lie I did." He looked at Yoonwoo who looked scared. "You see, you killed a really nice person that I knew."

"I didn't kill anyone!"

"You did and I know you did because I heard your voice before I heard the gunshots that killed him."

"Okay well I didn't mean-"

"I don't really care." He pointed his gun and shot him in the head killing him instantly.

He stared at him and then stood up walking inside whistling a song as he walked past other security men who were dead on the floor. He went to Yoonwoo's room and emptied the safe before he grabbed some gasoline that he brought with him, and started to walk around while pouring it on the floor.

Once they were empty he dropped them and lit a match before tossing it on the floor. He left and it didn't take long for the place to go up in flames.

He went back to the warehouse and Hongjoong walked out of one of the rooms to see who came.


Yeonjun dropped four duffel bags on the floor and walked past him to his room. Hongjoong looked inside them and saw all the money and other valuable documents.

Later that night, Yeonjun visited Sunoo's grave and brought a single bill with him from Yoonwoo's mansion.

He burned it in front of the grave. "We did it Sunoo, all thanks to you." A few tears fell onto his lap. "You're still such a dumb little kid."

He felt someone touch his shoulder and he looked up to see Beomgyu.

"I brought flowers like a normal person but I guess burning money is meaningful too." He said as he sat next to him.

"How did you know I was out here?"

"Because I know you even if you try to hide from me." He laid the flowers down. "He left a note y'know?" He took it out of his pocket and handed it to him without looking. "Hongjoong and I already read it."

Yeonjun unfolded it and read it silently.

If this mission goes wrong just know whatever happens I'm okay with it. I can die happy knowing I got the chance to have a real family.

Beomgyu could hear his sniffles as he tried to hold back his tears.

"You killed Yoonwoo?"

Yeonjun quickly wiped his face. "Of course I did."

"...good job. You should have brought me with you."

"I wanted to be alone."

"I understand." Beomgyu held his hand. "You should get some sleep."



Beomgyu was cooking lunch. Taehyun would be home any minute and he wanted him to come home to a nice meal.

While he was cooking he could hear someone messing with the doorknob but he ignored it. When the door finally opened and a masked man walked in holding a knife he didn't bat an eye.

"Hey, you! Give me your wallet and no one gets hurt."

Beomgyu ignored him and kept cooking.

"HEY! Are you deaf? I'll fucking kill you, give me your wallet and everything else!"

"This is your last chance to leave. My fiancé will be here soon and I want him to have a nice meal after a long day of work." Beomgyu said while still not looking at him.

He soon felt the cold blade of the knife touching his back.

"I'm the one in charge here. Do you wanna fucking die dumbass? Do as I say!"

Beomgyu sighed and looked at his smartwatch to see how far away Taehyun was.

"He'll be home in about ten minutes that should be enough time to dispose of the body and clean up any blood." He whispered to himself.

"What did you just say?"

Beomgyu grabbed a kitchen knife and quickly swung it behind him cutting the guy's face. He yelled in pain and Beomgyu looked at the blood dripping on the floor.

"Damn, blood stains are so hard to deal with." He muttered and he put the knife down. "I'll just snap your neck." He ran at him and the man swung his knife around carelessly, it was obvious he had no fighting experience.

Beomgyu dodged it before kicking his knee. The man fell and he kicked him one more time making him fall to the floor completely. He tried to crawl away but Beomgyu walked over and sat on his back.

"You tried to rob the wrong house dumbass." He grabbed his chin and forehead then snapped the man's neck killing him.

He fell limp and Beomgyu stood up.

He looked at the time. "Five minutes. I could've done that faster." Beomgyu looked around and dragged the man's body putting him in the closet in the hall. He cleaned up and washed his hands before he went back to cooking.

He heard the door open a few minutes later.


"In the kitchen!" He turned around with a smile as he greeted his husband. "Hi, Tae." He hugged him.

"Hey, the door was unlocked did you not lock it back when you came inside?"

"Hm? Oh, I must've forgotten."

"That's dangerous, try to remember next time." He kissed him.

"I will. Come sit, I'll make you a plate."

"Let me out my jacket in the closet and change my clothes."

Beomgyu stopped him and helped him out of his jacket. "I got it baby just get changed okay?"

"Thank you." He went to their room and Beomgyu walked to the closet ignoring the man he stuffed in there as he hung his jacket up for him.

He made Taehyun a plate and they sat down laughing over lunch. His fiancé was completely oblivious to the corpse in the closet.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

I really like how I wrote Beomgyu in this story. I don't know if you noticed but he really loves Taehyun A LOT 😭

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