The New Plan

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Hyunjin was finally brought along on an assignment. Mainly because Taehyun vouched for him and made Soobin stop acting like a jerk all the time.

"So what's your plan exactly for catching Yeonjun and Jet?" Hyunjin asked from the backseat.

"Why does that matter to you?" Soobin asked.

"Well I kinda work here too sooooo..."

"Boss wants us to find out as much as we can. He wants to know where they work but they do a good job covering up. We're on our way now to meet up with someone Ijun-ssi paid off who might have some info."

"Who's the guy?"

"Just some nobody who joined one of the organizations recently. We're meeting him at a cafe."

They soon arrived and when Hyunjin tried to get out Soobin closed the door back.

"Dude what the hell?"

"Soobin leave him alone." Taehyun called.

"Stay in the car. You're gonna fuck this up." He locked the door and when Hyunjin tried to open it he couldn't.

"This jackass put the child locks on?" He watched them go inside and he groaned. "I'm done playing nice with you agent Choi."

He took his jacket off and used it to cover his face as he laid back on the seats. He put his feet together and started to kick the window until he broke. Glass flew everywhere and he used his jacket to break off any shards so he didn't cut himself when he climbed out the window.

People walking passed stopped and stared at him.

"Just a little prank with coworkers no biggy." He walked into the cafe and spotted them.

"I got Yeonjun but it's gonna cost you if you want him." The guy said.

"I find it hard to believe that you caught thee Yeonjun." Hyunjin said as he pulled up a chair.

Soobin looked at him. "How did you-"

"Brute force agent Choi. Have fun fixing that window." He said with a grin.

"You little-"

"If you don't believe me see for yourself." He took his phone out and showed him a video.

They leaned forward and saw Yeonjun tied to a chair, he was bruised and stripped down to his underwear. Hyunjin's heart sank and Soobin's skin went white as a ghost.

"He took a chip off one of our guys and got caught. He's quite nosy, you have your hands full."

"So what do we have to do to get you to hand him over."

"5 mil and you have a deal."

"We can't just give you 5 mil, I'll call our boss and try to work something out." Taehyun said as he took his phone out to call Sogeun. He put him on speaker, "he can hear you boss."

"Name your price." He said.

"5 mil."

"3 and you have a deal."

"Fine, pleasure doing business with ya."

"We will come get him, give my guys directions and no funny business. If given a reason they will kill you."

"Understood." He gave them the location and they all stood up to leave.

Hyunjin took out his phone and quickly texted Beomgyu.

Yeonjun was taken
can you get to him?

Send me the location
I'll get there before you

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