The Phone Call

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Last Night...

"And don't think I forgot about you and Agent Choi, we are talking about that tomorrow."

Yeonjun watched Beomgyu leave, shutting the door behind him. He sighed and looked at the bandages on his stomach. He hated the fact that he'd be on bed rest and comms for the next few weeks. He wanted to stay by Beomgyu's side, he knew he would need him through something like this.

He sighed and laid down on his bed and looked at his phone. He stared at it before picking it up and calling someone.

"This is Agent Choi speaking."

"So formal, do you always answer the phone like that? What happened to hello?"

Soobin sighed. "What do you want?"

"I got shot and you're still mad at me?"

"You pointed a gun at me Yeonjun."

"I point guns at everyone Soobin don't take it personally."

"If you don't say something important I'm gonna hang up."

"Okay okay hold on. Look I'm sorry alright now can you stop being a jerk?"

Soobin smiled a little. "Maybe. Have you missed me? Is that why you called?"

He scoffed. "You wish." He rolled his eyes. "I'm bored and Jet put me on bed rest."

"I see...sound like he cares a lot."

"He does, isn't he great?"

"And you two are just friends?"

"Someone sounds jealous."

Soobin rolled his eyes. "You wish." He laid down in bed. "I'm glad I can get some shut-eye without you breaking into my house so I can fuck you."

"You like fucking me."

"Your ass isn't that good."

"Oh?" He smirked a little. "Are you sure? You don't like the way I say your name when your big, thick cock slides into me? The way you make me moan and scream for you. How I beg for you to go faster and harder?"

Soobin felt himself getting a little hard.

"No, I don't care for it. As I said, you aren't that good." Yeonjun got an idea and took his pants off. "What are you doing? Why is there so much shuffling?"

"Just shut up." He sucked on his fingers and then slipped one into his hole. He winced, sucking on his fingers was never very good but it was enough for him when he was needy like this.


"Soobin~" he bit his lip. "S-Say something."

"You told me to shut up." An obvious smile in his voice.

"Soobin please~I really want you right now."

"Yeah? I don't know, you've been kind of bad lately. More so than usual."

"I promise I won't do it anymore."

"You'll be good for me? The only way you get to cum is if you're good."

"I promise, I'll be good."

"Add another finger." Yeonjun did so and let out a small moan. Soobin started to pull his pants down a little to let his dick out as he rubbed himself to the sounds of Yeonjun's moans. "Gosh, I wanna fuck you."

Yeonjun let out a small laugh. "I knew you did."

"Shut up."

Yeonjun moaned once more. "M-Mine aren't as long as yours. Th-They won't reach the good spots. Not like how you get them. I want more."

"Touch yourself from the front too."

Yeonjun put the phone on speaker and sat it down next to him so he could use both of his hands.


"Fuck Yeonjun. Does it feel good?"

"It's not enough." He whined.

"Do you have a toy?"

"Not here." Yeonjun arched his back a little as he teased a sensitive spot inside of him. "Nngh~haah aah~"

"You sound so sexy. It feels good?"

"It's not enough. Soobin I want yours. I need you, I want you so bad!"

"Fuck Yeonjun you're driving me crazy." He jerked himself off a little faster to the sounds of Yeonjun moaning out his name.

"Soobin~Aah shit ye-Aah~yes!" He came into his hands and his legs shook. He tried biting his lip to mask his loud moans.

"Shit, Yeonjun I'm about to cum...Yeonjun?" He says up and could hear his gentle snores. "Are you fucking kidding me?"


"You fell asleep?" Beomgyu laughed.

"I was exhausted! We had just came back from a mission and I got shot Beomgyu. You're welcome y'know I saved your life. We all know how you can't take a bullet."

"Oh I definitely could but I wouldn't know because I've never been shot. You on the other hand."

"I eat bullets for breakfast."

"Back on track. Are you gonna see him? Sounds like you two need a little sexy time." He heard Yeonjun sigh. "What's wrong?"

"Beomgyu we are both playing with fire. And if we don't get burned what if we burn someone else?"

"You are worried about hurting Soobin aren't you?"

"I am not! I don't care about him and you know that. I just feel like this is a waste of time. All of this play."

"Whoa, do you feel okay? The great Yeonjun who likes to play all the time all of a sudden doesn't want to play with his victims anymore?" He asked with a laugh.

"I hate you and I'm never jumping in front of a bullet again." He laughed once more. "Enough boy talk, give me details on what happened last night at the store. You said there were victims of trafficking and forced labor?"

"Yeah, that sick bastard did it. Just like he did to me."

"Wait what?"

"There's a lot even you don't know Yeonjun. Things I rather not talk about."

"I understand."

"Taehyun asked me about my job this morning. I made up some bank by a school that doesn't exist."

"That's smart. Hopefully, he doesn't start suddenly getting curious about things. But I think if Jet keeps him on his toes he won't start asking questions like that."

"Good idea."

"So what's your next hit?"

"I need to talk to the victims again. I'll be dropping by later to visit them. Maybe cook a meal."

"Don't get attached and blow your cover."

"I won't, but they can trust me and I can help them more than the police."

"Report back to me."

"Of course, get some rest."

"Okay, mom."

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Now that we are 20 chapters in, what are your theories and guesses to what you think will happen in this book???

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