The Infiltration Pt. 2

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Make sure you read the first part

Yeonjun got to V's location. It was about the same size as their district warehouse.

"So you only do training here?" Yeonjun asked.

"Yep, RM hyung thought I'd be better at it then Suga hyung."

"He wasn't wrong."

"We train them in combat, tech, and weaponry. In the other location we do need psych training too."

"Wait really? That's kinda cool. I wish I could've gotten psych training."

"Yeah Suga hyung's guys have always been way tougher since you guys are usually brought from the streets and these guys asked to be here."

"Really?" He asked. They walked into the combat training room and Yeonjun watched them fight. "Jeez these guys suck."

V laughed. "Why don't you go hop in the ring then. Show them how it's done."

Yeonjun grinned. "I would love to." He walked over as a big guy body slammed another knocking the wind out of him." He was dragged out and the big guy looked at him.

"Boss, who is this?" He asked.

"Seven, this is Yeonjun, Yeonjun this is Seven."

"Seven?" He asked as he pulled his bangs back into a clip. "What kind of name is that?"

"I'm called Seven because that's how long someone lasts in the rink with me. Seven minutes tops, it's also how long people last in bed with me too. Why don't you test it out?"

Yeonjun gave him a bored look. "Oh barf." He got into his stance.

"If I win you sleep with me."

"Uh huh, and if you lose, you wear hot pink skirts for the rest of the year."

The guys eye twitched. "Deal."

The bell dinged and the guy charged at him. Yeonjun dodged and dropped down to the floor swinging his legs making him hit the floor with a loud thud. Yeonjun quickly put him into a tight headlock wrapping his legs around him. Seven struggled as his face turned red.

"Tap out Seven~" He sang with an amused look.

V walked over. "Yeonjun he's turning purple, let him go." He said.

"He has to tap out."

Seven groaned as his eyes rolled into the back of his head.

"Yeonjun!" V called again.

"Fine!" He let him go and Seven gasped for air. Yeonjun got on top of him and punched him in the jaw knocking him out. He stood and smiled. "I win!" He skipped over to the ropes and got down.

"Was that necessary?" V asked.

"He didn't tap out and I let him go so technically the fight was still going. Relax boss, he's just taking a nap I didn't kill the guy. Speaking of, where's the weaponry training?"

"I have my hands full with you huh?" He asked as they left.

They went outside and Yeonjun watched the gun training.

"You're holding it wrong. Are you trying to blow your hand off? V-ssi where did you get these amateurs?" He asked as he walked over to the guy. He stood behind him and held his hands. "Hold the gun up here so you can shoot. It's kinda big but you should be able to handle the recoil. The other hand needs to hold it over here to prevent injury."

"I could listen to you talk all day." The guy said.

Yeonjun rolled his eyes and then smacked him in the back of the head. "Just shoot the damn gun!"

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