The Self-Conflict

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After a long day of planning Yeonjun told Beomgyu to go home. He was reluctant at first but he did need to talk to Taehyun. When he walked inside he knew he wasn't home yet, probably working late to find him. He sat down on their bed, it felt like he hadn't seen it in ages.

He let out a sigh and laid down. He could understand why Taehyun was upset. Beomgyu was becoming sloppy and he hadn't realized so the mistakes he was making. Part of him wanted to sit Taehyun down and tell him everything, beg for him not leave, tell him he didn't want to hurt him, suggest they runaway together to get out of this mess.

The other part of him couldn't leave his family, because that team was his family as much as Taehyun was. Part of him needed to finish this because Sogeun would only end up creating another Beomgyu if he keeps going. He felt conflicted and now he just wanted all of this to be over so everything could be normal.

That's when he heard the front door open followed by a deep exhale. He heard the footsteps walking towards the door before it slowly opened.

Taehyun looked at him, his eyes heavy, barely opened before he looked away and went to change out of his clothes.

Beomgyu stood up and played with his fingers as he watched him.

"Welcome home." He said with a small smile.

"Hey." He muttered back.

"Taehyun I just wanted to say I'm really sorry about the other day. I acted inappropriately especially at such a bad time when you're working on a hard case, I don't know why I said those things about Ms. Ijun."

Taehyun didn't respond and then walked to the bathroom shutting the door.

Beomgyu bit his lip and he felt like crying. His Taehyun was ignoring him? In all of their years of being together Taehyun had never been that upset to completely shut him out.

He waited for him to come back and when he did he walked passed Beomgyu and grabbed his pillow.

"I'm sleeping on the couch."

"W-Wait!" He grabbed his wrist. "Taehyun please I'd never cheat on you."

He looked at him. "Then where have you been going these past few nights? Sneaking off and doing what? Because it's not work!" He said raising his voice.

For the first time Beomgyu couldn't think of a lie, he could only think of the truth. That's all he wanted to tell him in that moment but couldn't.

Taehyun took his wrist out of his grasp. "Good night." He left the room and Beomgyu stood there unsure of what to do.

As Taehyun laid down with his pillow and blanket he felt himself getting worked up. His boyfriend, his fiancé , was lying to him and he didn't know why? He thought they built their relationship securely and filled with trust. Now he felt like the thing they built was starting to shake and sway under the pressure. He could see pieces falling and he was scared. He didn't want to lose the one thing he did everything for in life.

He didn't want to lose his love.

He covered his eyes and shook his head. Then felt someone slowly touch his arm. He looked and Beomgyu was looking at him with tears in his eyes.

"What do you want?" He quickly wiped his face.

"Taehyun the things I'm going through right now are things I can't tell you. But one thing you don't ever have to doubt is how much I love you." He took his hand and kissed the palm before pressing it against his cheek. "I don't deserve your trust, but you have to believe me when I say that I'm not cheating on you. You're the only man for me Kang Taehyun." He pressed another kiss on his forehead before standing and going to their room.

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