The Mission Pt. 1

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Soobin and Taehyun got to the corner store. When they walked inside it was pretty empty. They looked around and saw a young woman walk over.

"Whaddya two want?" She asked while glaring at them.

Soobin looked confused but they both showed their badges. "We wanted to ask you a few questions about Han Sogeun."

She looked suspiciously at them. "What about him?"

"Well he's our boss, we believe he's been targeted by an intelligent criminal organization."

Her entire demeanor changed. She went from being cold and stand-off to relaxed and even smiled at them.

"Oh, you all know are friends." She let out a light-hearted laugh. "I'm really sorry, we've had a lot of theft these past few days and it helps to be aggressive first. What do you guys need? I'm willing to help anyone who's friends of Han."

They walked around the store as they talked.

"My grandparents ran this place when Han worked here. Although they have sadly passed on, they spoke highly of Chief Han. I've read about him in many articles and we would meet up occasionally for coffee. He would also stop by every once in a while but all that soon stopped. I assumed it was because of the spike in criminal activity."

"Definitely, he's been buried in work these past few years and so have we," Taehyun said.

"I see, well I'm glad he's doing alright."

"For now, we could use your help. Did your grandparents mention anyone lurking around? Did anyone seem to have an issue with him while he was working here?"

She started thinking. "Not that I remember." She sighed. "I really wish I could be more help, but it seems this is all before my time."

"That's not true," Soobin said. "You could help us by letting us stay here tonight after closing."

She cocked an eyebrow. "What for?"

"We have reason to believe that the guys after him will come here. We've noticed a pattern, the guy after him has been breaking into places he used to work and this is the last place on his list. We don't know what he will find here but we want to catch him."

She looked around and Taehyun noticed the way she acted before she smiled and nodded.

"Right, of course, anything to keep him safe. You're more than welcome to come back tonight."

"Thank you, we never got your name?" Taehyun asked.

"Oh, I'm Park Myoung." She smiled.

"Thank you." They bowed and left.

"She's lying," Taehyun said as soon as they got outside.

"What do you mean?" Soobin asked as they walked to the car.

"Her attitude, the way she was acting. It was weird from the beginning."

"She said she thought that we would rob her."

"Soobin, she's a young woman working there by herself. What person would approach a potential robber first to try and scare them off? Especially with the kind of bold criminals we have now. She'd get killed and this area isn't the best."

Soobin started thinking.

"When you asked if we could come back after close, she looked around like someone might be listening. Something is wrong here."

"Why would someone who's friends with the chief lie?"

"I don't know, that's what's confusing about this all." He muttered.

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