The Job

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Yeonjun and Soobin stared at each other before he picked up his glass and finished his champagne.

"No one dies if you let me go."

"I can't let you walk out of here," Soobin said.

He shrugged. "Fine, the hard way then." He pulled his gun pointing it at Soobin and then felt the cold barrel of a gun press against his head.

"Drop it," Taehyun said.

Yeonjun looked annoyed and dropped it. "You're so fucking lucky right now you have no idea." He muttered as Taehyun cuffed him.

They walked him outside to one of the cars and put him in.

"This is the best you've ever done you two." Their captain said. "We got the top-ranked criminal in the back of one of our cars. I say we celebrate with drinks tomorrow night."

"We'd like that a lot, and maybe Soobin can find someone to take home." Taehyun teased.

Soobin rolled his eyes. "Let's just hurry up and get him to a cell."

"I'll drive," Taehyun said.

They soon heard tire screeches and saw someone speeding over with a motorcycle. The person had something in his hand and threw it. They looked down and smoke came out of it. Soobin tried to cover his mouth and nose but he had already inhaled too much and soon fell unconscious.

The person on the motorcycle got Yeonjun out and quickly sped off. When everyone woke up and saw he was gone they cursed.

"We were so close."

Soobin looked around and smirked before stretching. "I'm going home. He'll steal something soon enough." He got in his car and left.

Meanwhile, Yeonjun was taken back to the secret warehouse.

"Thanks, Gyu."

Beomgyu took his helmet off and shook his hair out. "Did you touch him?"

"Of course not." He said as Beomgyu got him out of the handcuffs. "Even though I wanted to."

"He handcuffed you?"


Beomgyu laughed. "Isn't he great?"

Yeonjun rolled his eyes. "I can't believe you are engaged to that guy. Beomgyu you could fuck this entire thing up."

"But I haven't so trust me." He went and sat down. "That governor Cho guy is hosting a party at a banquet hall in two weeks. If you want to kill him that would be the time to make your statement."

"That's no fun, I wanna make his life hell first. Give me a list of all the properties he owns so I can burn them to the ground."

Beomgyu did so and sent it to his phone. "There."


"So how did your date with Soobin go?" He asked.

"It was really nice," Yeonjun said with a smile as they went to relax in the lounging room.

Some of their other members were playing video games in the room. Most of the chairs, tvs, and arcade games, were stolen. Actually, the majority of everything in the room was stolen.

"Soobin is so cute when he's serious." He grabbed a cup of ramen for them.

"And you're sure you don't like him?"

Yeonjun laughed lightheartedly as he stared down at the noodles. "He's cute, he's smart, and I have a lot of fun teasing him but relationships aren't my thing. At least not now, I have an agenda, a purpose and I don't want anyone or anything preventing me from fulfilling it."

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