The Wedding

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It was Taehyun's and Beomgyu's wedding day. They had their wedding in Hawaii on the beach. It was a small intimate wedding. Beomgyu hadn't stopped smiling the entire day, they both wore white suits together and everyone could see the love between the two.

Taehyun didn't take his eyes off him, a gentle smile played on his face as he looked at his soon to be husband while they stood on the alter.

"You look beautiful." He whispered as the priest was speaking.

"Thank you, you look amazing too."

Taehyun leaned into kiss him. "I'm not done yet!" The priest said loudly snapping Taehyun out of his trance.

"Jeez Taehyun can you let him finish?" Soobin teased.

"Sorry sorry," he blushed heavily while Beomgyu laughed. "I spaced out for a second."

"We're almost to the good part I promise." The priest said.

They exchanged rings, said their "I do's", and finally...

"You may kiss your-"

Taehyun pulled him in by the waist and kissed him. Beomgyu wrapped his arms around him.

"Husband." He chuckled a little. "Congratulations you two."

They finally got to eat, dance together, and talk once the ceremony was over.

Taehyun noticed Beomgyu looking off distracted for a bit.

"Are you alright?" Taehyun asked.

"Hm? Oh, I-I'm sorry it's just...this is surreal for me."

Taehyun smiled. "Yeah, It's finally all over and I get to call you my husband and not my fiancé." He kissed him again and Beomgyu giggled.

"You've been kissing me non stop all day."

"You like it."

"No," he gently grabbed his tie and pulled him closer. "I love it." He kissed him once more, gently as their lips moved together.

"I wanna have sex." Taehyun spoke. "Right now."

"I don't think the priest that we asked to stay will be very pleased with us fucking each other in front of everyone in public."

"I don't care."

"I know you don't but I do so no you pervert. Gosh, if I let you it scares me to think that you'd actually rip my clothes off and fuck me in front of everyone."

"Then they'll know you're mine."

"Tae we just got married," he raised his left hand. "You put a ring on it in front of everyone. They know."

Taehyun cut them a piece of cake. "Well they will be extra sure of it."

Soobin was at the bar watching Taehyun and Beomgyu talk and laugh together. He sighed as he turned away and threw his head back as he chugged the rest of his whiskey.

"Jeez, you look depressed." Hyunjin said. "This is a wedding."

"I know I know, I'm happy for them both I've known them for years. I just can't help but think about Yeonjun and how he didn't get to see this."

Hyunjin slowly nodded. "Y'know we used to date."

Soobin looked at him. "Yeonjun dated you?"

"Don't sound so shocked!" He yelled.

He laughed. "I'm sorry, I had no idea."

"Yeah well we did. A few months after Wonjae passed, we met at my bar and I knew all the flirting he was doing and the things he was saying. He was trying so hard to find someone to numb the pain, I knew and I still went out with him knowing what would happen in the end. Yeonjun was troubled, we all are but it took a toll on him mentally and emotionally. He's always been tired of hurting, so even though he's gone I don't feel sad anymore. I know he's resting finally."

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