The Pain Pt. 2

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The two parked their bikes and Yeonjun took his helmet off.

"What are you doing here?" He yelled.

Beomgyu took his helmet off. "Saving your stupid ass!"


"This is a suicide mission idiot. These people are as crazy as you and you're going solo. You need at least a group of six or more for an alpha mission, are you insane?"

"No Beomgyu, I'm just a jealous bitch."

Beomgyu frowned a little. "I...Yeonjun you know I hate fighting with you and you say things that piss me off a lot but I wasn't going to sit there knowing you would die on this mission."

Yeonjun didn't say anything.

"Look...I'm sorry alright. Clearly what I said hurt you and even though at the time that's what I wanted, I do regret it. You're like family to me."

"No, I'm not Beomgyu." He said as he ran his fingers through his hair frustrated. "Don't you get it? You have Taehyun, and you love Taehyun, but I know after we finished the job that brought us here in the first place. You'll go off, get married, have a family,'ll leave me behind because I don't have anything like that. I don't have a Taehyun."

Beomgyu felt his eyes water as he listened to him speak.

"Thinking of losing my best friend to love makes me sick." He joked as he sat down on the side of the street. "I always thought it would be me and you and then...Taehyun came along and soon he'll take you away."

"Yeonjun." He sat down next to him. "After everything you've done for me, you really think I'd ghost you like that? You've gotten me out of a lot of shit and despite how you feel about him you do everything to keep my relationship together. Yeonjun even when that day comes and I marry him, I'll still call and visit all the time. You have no idea that you were one of the best things that ever happened to me before I met Taehyun of course."

Yeonjun laughed a little.

"I am pretty awesome, huh?"

"Pretty and awesome. The total package." He hugged him. "I love you Yeonjun."

"I love you too Beomgyu...I'm sorry I gave you a busted lip."

"I'm sorry I bruised your cheek." They laughed again. "Let's head back, we're not doing this mission tonight."

Yeonjun slowly nodded as they stood up. "Yeah, you're right." They got back on their bikes and went back home.

When they returned, Hongjoong walked out since he heard their bikes approaching.

"You two took about two hours. There's no way you-"

"We didn't," Beomgyu said as he held Yeonjun's hand. "We're okay."

Hongjoong couldn't help but smile. "Alright." And he just walked away.

"I can't believe I flirted with my ex just to not do the mission," Yeonjun said as he collapsed on the couch in the game room.

"You saw Leetuk?" Beomgyu asked as he got them both a drink.

"Yeah, and the guy still likes me. You went crazy and practically begged that we go out again."

"What did you say?"

"No, of course, Beomgyu you know I don't do relationships."

Beomgyu laughed. "You still believe that?" He asked as he walked over to him.

"What are you talking about?"

"You and I are best friends. That's a relationship."

"I know but that's different. We do the same line of work and I know you can handle yourself."

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