The "Date"

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Soobin walked over to his desk with two cups of coffee. He gave one to Taehyun as he took a seat.

"Ready for your big date tonight?" Taehyun asked with a smile as he brought his coffee to his lips.

"Firstly, it's not a date and second, of course, I'm ready."

"Sure sure it's just drinks at a really nice rooftop bar." Soobin shot him a glare. "What? I've been, it's very romantic. It'll definitely set the mood."

"It's very hard not to want to tape your mouth shut." Taehyun laughed. "So how was your anniversary?"

"It was great, look." He held out his wrist. "He got me this watch."

"Whoa, that's expensive."

"I know, I told him he didn't have to do that but I'm never taking it off. It's great isn't it?"

"Yeah." He smiled seeing the grin on Taehyun's face. "I'm happy for you both, you two have come a long way."

"I know." He sighed at the thought. "I still wonder how I got someone so perfect."

"Okay mister, I need your head in the game for today. Boss already wants my head for letting him go."

"I'm surprised you trusted him."

"As I said, he'll show."


Taehyun wired Soobin up as he got himself ready.

"Your earpiece is in and on right?" He asked.

"Yeah, it's good." He looked at himself and fixed his button-up shirt. "How do I look?"

"I didn't realize you cared." An amused tone to his voice that made Soobin look at him through the mirror. "Shut up." He unbuttoned a few buttons to his black button-up and ran some gel through his hair to push it back. He rolled up his sleeves and then nodded to Taehyun. "Let's go."

They left and Soobin stood outside the bar about to head in when his boss walked over.

"You better hope he shows or you're on desk duty for the next month."

"He'll show sir I'm sure of it. Are the men already stationed undercover?"

"Of course, you just don't get killed." He patted his back. "Go on, it's almost time for him to show up."

"Yes sir."

He headed inside and went upstairs to sit at a table. It was nice out, the sky was clear so you could see the stars. The place had pretty candle-lit tables and music.

"Taehyun was right, this place is romantic." He thought to himself.

He waited a while until someone spotted Yeonjun from inside.

"He's coming up, everyone get ready."

Soobin tried to relax but he could hear his heart pounding in his chest. He stared at the stairs and soon saw Yeonjun as he came up, their eyes locked almost immediately and he was met with that same sly smirk.

He saw his outfit and swallowed.

He was wearing a black turtleneck and snug black pants with tears in them. His black hair fell over his eyes but he could still see that captivating look in them.

"Agent Choi, it's a pleasure to see you tonight." He said as he stood by the table. "Stand up."

"Excuse me?"

Yeonjun leaned down to his ear.

"I know you have a wire on you, take it off or I leave." He stood up and stared at him as he reached under his shirt and took it off.

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