The Capture

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Taehyun and Soobin watched as Yeonjun was loaded into one of the cars.

"Where's he going?" Hyunjin asked.

"They'll probably transport him straight to the maximum security prison on Jeju Island and do the interrogation there." Soobin said.

"That's not protocol." Hyunjin said.

"Yeah but it's the protocol to take for someone like Yeonjun."

Hyunjin had to trust that Yeonjun would be okay where ever they ended up taking him.

Yeonjun sat in the back of a truck, his mouth was covered and his hands and ankles were bounded.

"Is this how they treat luxury guests? How rude." He thought to himself.

But they didn't bring Yeonjun to the prison, they went to an isolated area by a cargo ship port and he was taken into a warehouse nearby. They took all of his weapons, making him strip naked so they could see that he wasn't hiding anything.

He waited in a room in the middle of a room. His hands and feet strapped to the chair. He tapped his fingers impatiently as he stared at the guards standing nearby. After almost an hour Sogeun walked in.

"The man of the hour, I'm surprised you came to see me."

"I'll make this quick because I don't have time for your games." He stood in front of him. "What do you know and why are you after me?"

"Ohhh agent Han, it's so much more deeper than those basic questions. Maybe if you thought about every person you've wronged you might know why. Oh wait, you've screwed over so many people how would you ever find out?"

"Enough!" He grabbed a fistful of his hair pulling it back so he would look up at him. "You're pathetic, you're nothing to me and quite frankly I don't need your answer because whatever it is, I'm still going to have you killed!"

"There's the Sogeun I know and love. Tell me, those people you had trapped underground and forcing them into hard labor and sexually exploiting them, did you ever pay them a visit?" He asked.

Sogeun just glared at him.

"Ohhh you can't right? That mission already failed for you as soon as they were taken into custody. Luckily for you none of them talked because you scared them half to death."

"I don't know what you're talking about." He let him go and stepped back.

"What I want is quite simple agent Han. I want the world to know that the real monsters are the people they worship. I was given the opportunity to be anything other than this and you didn't give any of those kids lives you fucked up a chance either. They will never forget this because of you and I've seen that first hand. You make and spread hate like a wild fire and it's time to take you out. Give yourself up willing or I deal with you myself."

"Is that a threat Yeonjun?"

"It's a warning. I'm not the only person who wants you dead and now that daddy's daughter came out to play, I wanna play with her too."

"You stay away from my daughter!" He snapped at him.

"I can try but I make no promises agent Han." He smirked at him.


Hyunjin, Soobin, and Taehyun got back to the agency. He glanced up at Sogeun's office door that was clocked and his blinds were also shut.

"I need to use the bathroom." Hyunjin said.

"Sure." Taehyun said. "Gosh I'm exhausted and I almost died today. I'm heading to the private rooms for a nap."

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