The Mission Pt. 2

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Myoung laughed hysterically. It almost sent shivers down Yeonjun's spine, this woman seemed beyond crazy.

"I have nothing to lose!" She yelled. "But you do, you care about this cop. You betray the people who raised you and even worse, date someone like this."

Taehyun groaned a little and was starting to wake up.

"I'll tell everyone who you are!" She yelled. "I'll tell them what you did, I'LL TELL THEM THAT YOU-"

Beomgyu shot her in the head and then grabbed Yeonjun's arm and started running.

"The tunnel is there!" He pointed at the office door.

"Beomgyu you just-"

"Taehyun was waking up. I couldn't risk him hearing her. Besides, she pointed a gun at him. She was dead the moment she did that."

They tried to open the door but it was locked. Beomgyu stepped back and kicked it open. They walked inside and looked around.

"It's a normal office," Yeonjun said. He looked at the rug and then rolled his eyes. "Jet look."

He turned and saw the rug and narrowed his eyes. "They could've been a little bit more creative than this. You can see the rug dipping into the hole." They pulled it off and saw the hole.

"It's a literal tunnel."


They turned and saw Soobin and Taehyun. They jumped down and started running with the two agents running behind them.

"Get back here!" Taehyun yelled.

While they were running Beomgyu saw a man who was also down there. He pointed a gun at them and Yeonjun quickly got in front of Beomgyu.

The gun went off and Yeonjun screamed.


Soobin shot the guy and knelt down.

Yeonjun looked at his stomach. "Fuck!" He cursed. "I'm fine it's just a flesh wound."

"The bullet is in your body!" Beomgyu yelled.

"I'm fine." He went to stand but yelled. "Fuck!"

"Will you stop being so stubborn? You're injured."

They could hear more footsteps.

"People are coming," Beomgyu said.

"Hand him to me, we need to go back," Soobin said as he picked him up.

Beomgyu and Taehyun took their guns and shot at the guys coming as they stepped back to escape back up to the office.

"Look at us working together," Beomgyu said.

"Shut up." Taehyun snapped. "This isn't over Jet. Once we get out of this I'll come get you."

"Uh-huh." Beomgyu took out a flash grenade and threw it, giving them enough time to escape back to. They pulled the desk over the hole to keep them from coming.

"We need to leave. Those guys are only a block away from here, they'll show up."

"Did you kill Myoung?"

He rolled his eyes. "Why did you like her?"

"If I did would that make you jealous?"

Beomgyu laughed. "Oh so now I have a crush on you or something? Is this your attempt at flirting with me?"

"I would never do that, my fiancé is way cuter than you."

"Oh really?" He looks passed him and quickly lifts his gun and shoots.

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