The Kidnap

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"How do you know about that?"

"I know everything." He said with a smile but Soobin didn't believe him of course.

"Someone told you."

"Word gets around. Those guys talked about Suga."

"Do you know him?"

"I work for him," Yeonjun said. "But he works for someone too."

"He's under the boss. So who's the guy you're protecting?"

Yeonjun sighed. "I'm not protecting him Soobin."

"Then what's your boss's name?" He asked while setting the plate down.

"I can't tell you and you know that!"

Soobin sighed. "Are you scared? Does he hurt you or something?"

"God Soobin no!" He yelled as he stood up and got dressed. "My boss, he's the only one who's ever cared about me since I lost my parents. He gave me a home, he gave all of us a home, you would never understand how I feel."


"If I don't get him someone else will and he's less merciful than me. We already made a plan and tomorrow morning we are coming to get him, you and Taehyun need to stay out of the way."

"So I'm supposed to pretend I don't know anything and turn the other way while you take our witness?" Soobin asked while giving him a look. "This is crazy, why are you telling me this, why didn't you just go through with the plan?"

"Because I...look just stay out of my way!" He grabbed his things to get ready and leave.

"Wait!" He grabbed his wrist.

Yeonjun looked at him and waited but Soobin didn't actually know why he did that. He reacted without thinking.

"What Soobin?"

"'s nothing." He let him go. "Sorry."

Yeonjun stared at him for a moment. "Thanks for breakfast. It's been a while since I've had a home-cooked meal." He left through the window and Soobin bit his lip a little and went to get ready for the day.


"Is everyone in position?" Yeonjun asked over comms.

"Yeah, I'm walking in now," Beomgyu spoke. He walked inside and went to find Taehyun.

"Good morning Beomgyu ssi." Other agents greeted and bowed. He politely did the same with a cute smile and a small "hello".


Taehyun looked up and smiled as he stood. "Baby hi." He hugged him. "Shouldn't you be at work?"

"I took the day off. I brought you lunch." He kissed his cheek. "Good morning agent Choi." He bowed.

"Beomgyu please just call me Soobin." He hugged him. "It's good to see you."

"You too, I also made you something."

"You have to stop doing this." He teased.

"How could I not feed the person who makes sure my Hyunnie is safe at work? Please take it." He held it out with both hands.

Soobin took it and thanked him once more.

"You should join us, we can hang out a little bit before I have to get back to work."

"Okay, I don't mind."

"Excuse me!" A young man jogged over. "Are you agent Kang?"

"Uhhh, yeah? What can I do for you?"

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