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Growing up, harder than most to keep alive to this day,
Growing up, always living with one foot out the door,
Or another, always headed towards the future, as though there were any other way,
Growing up, lost in time yet never knowing how or why,
Growing up, never knowing which day will be the day,
The day where the floors gives out, the cards falliing in this house of lies,
Growing up, only ever met with screams and shouts in these four walls,
Growing up, always met with dismissal and anger in face of upset and pain,
For I learned quickly that no one can apologize truly, and to keep quiet in these halls,
Until I grew up and my world grew larger still,
Discovering there is a place for me out there somewhere,
All it takes is everything I am each day, to push forward each day, to find my strength and my will. 

nothing else but my heart's desire [COLLECTION] | FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now