My sisters - ORIGINAL POEM

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This world is dark, it will try to dim your light, like a spectre looming overhead, it'll follow you each day, as you try desperately to avoid one mistake after another. This world, it doesnt take kindly to a person as kind as you, my sisters I love, for you will know heartache just as I have, so much heartbreak, as each scar forms a lesson to learn, a way to grow, a road to walk down, as hard as it shall be. I hope to write these words and convey truth through rhyme, to cushion the blow of life as you'll know, and maybe you can teach me a thing or two, because you'll grow up under different circumstances than I, will see things I did not, will live life as differently as I have, but, where our roads intersect, I shall greet you with a smile, so sad, so happy, though I dont wish to smother. Only see what kind of person you have become, as diamonds form under pressure, as you have seen and lived in this world, as it has tried its hardest to push you, to break you, to lift you higher and higher, as far as it might, to live amongst the stars. I have lived, I have seen all I might, as life has begun to plateau and stagnant, as each day is as mundane and routine as the last, but its all I love, all the time, all I ever wanted, all I will ever know. I hope to share these words with you, when you understand the how and why, I hope you scream and cry, I hope you understand the what to get to the why, and I hope you find it in your heart to listen in spite of anger and confusion, even when you still feel that resentment eating away at you, slowly, bit by bit, as though it were eating an elephant, because we are all here, we are all alive and we have all lived, be it by slow walks on hot summer days or, in the middle of thunder and lightning, in fast cars. My sisters, who shall be women of the world, live for yourselves and never doubt yourselves, though I know it is a penny in a wishing well, a pipedream to believe in such things, yet believe in them anyway, as I do, as I stare out my window at night waiting for Peter Pan to arrive, to take me far away and allow me to live out childhood dreams, as my childhood heart remains, still beating in my chest, still desperately clinging on for dear life with every single heartbeat. My sisters, be brave and use your voice as it was made to be used, made for you, for I never had another tell me it was okay to speak up, to yell and fight, to never stop fighting, to push forward as the world seeks only to push you back each step of the way. Boys will push you aside to get ahead, with their own hearts bruised from living in this world, as we all do, but run ahead anyway, run, stop only to pull the less fortunate ahead with you, as you cross the line together, as this world is dark, and we all hurt in our own unique way, we all cause pain in our own brutal way, it is the way of a world with so much darkness, so much cruelty, yet so much beauty hidden in plain sight, as fairies dance overhead and flowers bloom, as the cold recedes and the birds return home, through incredible feat. This world is dark, don't allow it to dim your light, live as you wish, as I had always wanted to, as I had always wanted to see firsthand. But, for now, I can only watch from afar, with a smile on my face, with love in my eyes and heart, you see. For things you may never know or understand, know only this for all time, above all things, that not a day went by without my thinking of you and how you were, as pain never left me and stayed forevermore, always lingering in my heart that I could not be with you, as time marched on, as, in the hourglass, time passed by like tiny grains of sand.

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