Animals and Those Who Care For Them - ORIGINAL POEM

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I know those who care,
Who devote their time to others,
Who care for the world around us,
Every creature, animal, their children and mothers,
They rise with the sun each morning,
They learn every tip and trick there is,
So they can care for them more,
With better ways to help them live,
They have their morals and never stray,
I admire that more than anything,
To live and live well, honest and true to the core,
Its all any of us can hope for, the only real thing,
Animals found in nature, living their lives,
In a constant back and forth with each other,
Always fighting to come out on top,
These people understand it all, understand the strife,
They know what it means and respect it,
Even going as far as to protect it, a true tree-hugger,
I only hope when the days comes to test ourselves,
I can do the same and stand by their side, a friend to nature - a sister, a child, a mother.

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