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"I'm joining Cobra Kai" Eli had come to Halley's house, so nervous he was close to shaking, he had been thinking about joining since Miguel told them about his dojo, and after the ordeal at the cafeteria he was more sure than anything, he wanted t...

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"I'm joining Cobra Kai" Eli had come to Halley's house, so nervous he was close to shaking, he had been thinking about joining since Miguel told them about his dojo, and after the ordeal at the cafeteria he was more sure than anything, he wanted to be able to defend himself properly, without having people there to always stand up for him

"Really? That's cool" he was pacing in front of her, she was sitting on the couch with a bowl of popcorn in her legs. She knew what Cobra Kai was like back in the day, but that was 30 years ago, it surely couldn't be that bad now, I mean, was the guy that runned it back then even alive?

"Really?" he thought she'll think it's stupid, he's always been weak, wimpy and uncoordinated

"Yeah, it's always good to learn new things" her soft smile made him remind himself who he was talking to, Halley was the most supportive person in the entire planet, of course she was gonna be okay with him learning how to defend himself, she tried to teach him karate once, but she was a terrible teacher and he was a shit student, so that didn't work out "Now, is there anything else you wanna tell me" he shook his head "Great, now come here" she extended her arms "and let's watch a movie" 

Eli happily complied, smiling shyly, and cuddling Halley's side on the couch, their arms around each other, her head on his shoulder, and eyes locked on the screen, he would play with her fingers through the movie


While Eli went to the dojo, Halley decided to train karate too. Mid training she heard someone walk out to the yard, stopping what she was doing she turned to look at her uncle.

"I came to drag you to spar with me, but it looks like I won't have to" she always loved to spar with Daniel, since her dad wasn't around much, Daniel was the closest thing

"Wanna join?" it had been a while since they did anything karate related

"Is that even a question?" Daniel looked like he could jump of happiness and jogged to the girl 

"I'm gonna beat your ass old man" Halley smirked

"Yeah, we'll see about that"


Training with her uncle was one of Halley's favorite things, and she made a mental note to do it more often. After an hour he left and she took a shower, ate something and sat to read a book. She used to be a big reader when she was younger and she wanted to pick the habit back.

There was a knock on the front door, she stood to open it and found Eli on the other side. She felt something wasn't right the moment  she saw him, but didn't mention it and invited him inside with a smile. She dragged him to her room and they laid on the bed, face to face

"Sooo, how was your first day in the dojo?"

"I think it was Demetri's last" he frowned remembering what happened

"What? Why?" Eli started explaining everything that happened, when he mentioned that the sensei's name was Lawrence she immediately remembered how her uncle had told her he was the main bully of his, and then Eli he told her how he had mocked his lip and Demetri had gotten his ass kicked for telling him off

"Honestly, i'm surprised no one had beat the shit out of Demetri before, so that wasn't much of a shock" that made Eli smile, it was true, Demeti made a lot of comments, and a lot of people didn't take them the kind way, although, they were never intentioned that way anyway. Halley then kissed Eli scar, softly, making him blush "Also that sensei Lawrence is an asshole and-"

"I wanna go back" he said surprising her

"What?" usually after a bad experience Eli never went back to those places

"I just....don't wanna give up" now that was another surprise, but Halley felt proud, that he didn't wanna drop it after one day, which was something very common he tended to do, so she smiled and kissed him on the lips shortly

"Well, I think that's amazing then"


"Yeah  but you can't quit" Demetri, Miguel and Halley were walking through the halls

"I got yelled at, got my ass kicked and then gave him my money. You know who lives like that? Hookers"

"Yeah, but he's not that bad of a guy. You gotta give him a chance. You don't know him like I do"

"That's....that's hooker talk"

"That sounds like when you wanna justify a toxic relationship" Miguel rolled his eyes at Dem's and Hall's comments

"Besides, I don't need to learn Karate when I have you" he signaled to Miguel and then at Kyler who at the sight of Miguel, looked down and walked the other way "See?, no one's gonna mess with you"


Halley decided to be nice enough and take Miguel and Eli to their dojo, but she regretted it as Miguel spent the whole ride fussing about how much he liked Sam, he told her what had happened in class and then proceeded to list every single thing about Samantha that he had noticed because he had been basically stalking her

"Miguel, I swear to god, I'll throw you out of the car if you don't shut up" Miguel stopped his rant, and Eli snickered softly from the passenger seat

"Oh, don't even, Eli. Or I'll tell her about your rants about her" that whipped off the smile of the quiet boy's face, and instead looked embarrassed, because god knows his rants about Halley were 10 times worse. That perked up the girls attention

"Oh, please do tell" when Eli and Halley kissed Demetri noticed immediately the second he saw them, he knew that something was different, so he did what he did best, he bugged them until one of them spilled, so, tired of Demetri they just told him and Miguel what had happened, which was Eli's worst mistake, because his two friends and Halley had teamed up to tease him every time they had the chance. Also, Demetri won 20 dollars

Miguel started telling every embarrassing conversation he and Eli had that he remembered, Halley was close to pissing her pants from laughter and Eli looked about ready to explode with how red he was, finally they got to the dojo and Miguel jumped out of the car into the building, excited for his class, Eli however took his time, nerves rushing through his body, and Halley could tell

"Relax, I'm sure it'll be fine" she grabbed his han and gave it a squeeze

"Yeah" he said quietly refusing to look at her 

"Hey" with her other hand she cupped his jaw and made her look at her "If at any point you feel uncomfortable and want to leave, call me, I won't go too far" that reassured him a little and he nodded "Now go inside and kick some ass" she smiled. Eli had found her smile was the most comforting thing he's ever seen, but then she leaned forward and gave him a peck in the lips, and he started to reconsider the smile thing

Hello, hello

I just came to say that I relate to Eli so much because I also leave pretty much everything I start unfinished, it's like an obsetion at this point, it seems like I can't continue to be motivvated through anything I do. Eli is so real for that, we love him

𝑯𝑰𝑮𝑯 𝑺𝑪𝑯𝑶𝑶𝑳 𝑺𝑾𝑬𝑬𝑻𝑯𝑬𝑨𝑹𝑻𝑺 |  Eli MoskowitzWhere stories live. Discover now