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Halley had an amazing morning, she woke up with a smile in her lips she kept as she did her morning routine

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Halley had an amazing morning, she woke up with a smile in her lips she kept as she did her morning routine. Her and Eli had come to her house, ate every snack she had in her kitchen and talked for hours before they noticed it was too late and he left for his house.

As she was cleaning she heard the front door slamming shut and she was startled for a second and she waited to see if she heard something else, not ten seconds later the door of her room was opened aggressively and closed with the same energy by a fuming Sam, that was mumbling things to herself

"Woah, what is up with you?" she let go of her bed sheets as she turned to look at her cousin

"Where the hell did you go last night?" she raised her arms in the air

"I- what?" Halley was very much confused "I left, I was here, at home"


"Because- well-" she wasn't too sure if revealing the events of last night to Sam was a good idea when she was that mad "I just... left. What happened, why are you so pissed"

"Tory Nichols happened" Sam fumed once more and Halley sighed knowing it was gonna be a long rest of the morning "She walked in with Robby and she- she- aghhhh" Sam pulled on her hair

"Alright, that's enough" Halley reached for her cousin's hands "How about we tone it down a little, before you rip your hair off" Sam took a deep breath before she launched into a long rant about her night

Halley kept her mouth shut the entire time and then decided that telling Sam about her and Eli wouldn't be the best thing as her and Miguel weren't on the best of terms anymore. They surely would figure it out soon enough, so Halley was just gonna wait until they did.

"You should talk to him" Halley shrugged. "It's obvious you both need to figure things out, and clearly you are in very different places. You need to talk it out, communicate a little"

"What do I even tell him?" Sam said frustrated

"That's for you to figure out. But take the advice from the girl who kept quiet for too long and when she decided to speak up it was to break up" Halley looked her in the eyes to make sure her cousin understood her point "You need to do it as soon as possible. Don't wait too long because then you'll realize your past no return point, and I know damn well you don't want that. You and Miguel care about each other so either make it work or stop hurting each other"

"When did you become so wise?" Sam smiled up to her cousin

"I think I just screwed up a little too much" Halley teased lightly


"You're psyching yourself up, stop" Halley stood up to stop Eli's pacing, he was freaking out about the tournament, he knew he was the best shot from Miyagi-do at winning the tournament and he felt as though if they didn't then it would all fall on him

𝑯𝑰𝑮𝑯 𝑺𝑪𝑯𝑶𝑶𝑳 𝑺𝑾𝑬𝑬𝑻𝑯𝑬𝑨𝑹𝑻𝑺 |  Eli MoskowitzWhere stories live. Discover now