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Sam had been bitching Halley about going to visit Miguel to the hospital now that he was awake, but Halley refused and threatened with supergluing herself to her bed if she tried to make her go, in the end Sam had dropped the subject and decided t...

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Sam had been bitching Halley about going to visit Miguel to the hospital now that he was awake, but Halley refused and threatened with supergluing herself to her bed if she tried to make her go, in the end Sam had dropped the subject and decided to go on her own.

In reality, Halley did wanted to go see Miguel, they were friends at some point and when she found that he was in a coma she felt really bad, but she wanted to go see him in her own accords, she needed time to process things and she also felt like he and Sam could use the one on one talk.

Finally, she had decided to go see the hispanic boy, she had to go to the hospital anyway to get her ribs checked and hopefully they would tell her she could ditch the bandages.

While her parents talked with the doctor Halley snuck out to where Sam had told her Miguel's room was. When the brunette got there she took a deep breath, the door was open so she just stood there and knocked on the frame, the boy who was staring at nothing looked up to find Halley's eyes

"Hi" Halley waved softly

"Hall's" he whispered, surprised that she was even there

"Hey, I heard you woke up so I wanted to come and see you" she gave a step forward so she was inside the room and leaned in the wall besides the door "How are you doing?" he shrugged and frowned

"I could be doing better to be honest" he let out a humorless laugh

"Clearly" she followed with an understanding smile

"The doctor said I might not walk again" he blurted out and Halley almost choked on air because what the fuck, she knew his condition was bad, i mean, he just woke up from a coma but she never imagined it was that bad. It took her a few seconds to compose herself and to finally find her words

"Might?" she asked when she analyzed his words again

"What?" he looked at her confused

"They said you might not walk again. That means there's still a chance" she tried to be positive, if she couldn't be positive for herself she could comfort in being it for others, hope was the last thing to be lost, specially in situations like these

"Yeah. But that's like a ten percent chance or something" Miguel shook his head

"Who says you are not part of that ten percent?" he was discouraged, she understood the feeling, and she knew how draining it was and she also knew how much it helped when there was a person being positive for you when you couldn't. "Also, what's that thing you told me once? To never accept defeat?" he sighed as she used his words against him, well, technically those were his sensei's words

Around the time Miguel asked Sam to go out, Miguel had told everything he was doing to Halley for her approval and to make sure Sam would like it, and he had repeated those words more times than Halley could remember 'Never accept defeat'

"It's not the same" he shook his head again

"Why can't it be?" she asked and stepped closer to him "Listen, Miguel, I know you and I haven't been the closest these past few months, but you once were my friend and I got to know you, you are one of the most persistent people I've ever met. You learned Karate faster than anyone could dream of, you managed to take Sam out when she was very set on not trusting guys again, you won the All valley tournament with just a few months of training " Halley looked him in the eye to make sure he was understanding his words "I don't know what does that tell you about yourself but it shows a lot about how you are as a person, at least to me" She finished her speech with a kind smile

"Thank you" was the only thing he really could say, he really had missed Halley and he was glad they were somewhat in good terms now

"You're very welcome" there were a few seconds of silence before Miguel spoke up again

"And how are you doing?" he looked at her worriedly. Her bruises had mostly faded away already but Miguel had seen her struggling in the fight in a moment and he knew she most likely was also hurt

"I could be doing better" she repeated his words and made Miguel let out a tiny smile

"Clearly" he copied her. And he was not wrong, even if the remains of the fight weren't completely visible, he could see the deep eye bags under her eyes and the sadness behind them.

"But it's not that bad. Just some bruises here and there" that was downplaying everything a lot but she didn't wanna burden him with anything

"I'm glad you're okay" Halley's phone ringed and when she looked down she way it was a message of her mother

'Where are you? It's time to go'

She quickly answered

'Went to the bathroom. Meet you in the parking lot'

She looked up at Miguel and smiled lightly

"That was my mom. I have to go now" She walked to the door "I'll see you soon, Miguel. I really hope everything goes well with your recovery"

"Thank you" he nodded and before she left he spoke up again "Maybe when I'm better we can spar together. I'll beat your ass though" he joked and Halley smiled

"Yeah, we'll see about that" she waved one more time and left the room

Hello, hello

I feel like Halley and Miguel didn't had many interactions in this book, but know she actually cares about him and viceversa (I don't know if that's how that's spelled but I can't be bothered to look it up)

𝑯𝑰𝑮𝑯 𝑺𝑪𝑯𝑶𝑶𝑳 𝑺𝑾𝑬𝑬𝑻𝑯𝑬𝑨𝑹𝑻𝑺 |  Eli MoskowitzWhere stories live. Discover now