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As Halley trained more and more with Johnny she realized how good she was at offense

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As Halley trained more and more with Johnny she realized how good she was at offense. Training with Daniel was primarily focused in defense and Johnny was completely the opposite. With all the new knowledge she realized how good they would all become if they continued training both styles

"Attack"Johnny said and Halley kicked and punched before getting out of the way for the next one in line to go "That's it!" Demetri stood in front of the Sensei ready to attack but the man wasn't focused and Demetri kicked him straight in the face. Halley barely managed to contain her laughter

"Oh, shit!" Demetri panicked "Uhm,I'm not gonna get in any trouble, am I?" the blonde man looked at the teen and it seemed as if he had an idea


Now Demetri was tied to a punching bag with a cushion attached to his front. Halley was almost doubling over in silent laughter, how unhinged Johnny was still came as a surprise for the Miyagi-do's but the brunette was having a great time with each one of his occurrences

"LaRusso, if you don't stop laughing you're next" he pointed at her and Halley made her best effort to stand straight and salute him like in the military

"Yes, sensei" she pursed her lips to conceal her smile and Johnny simply shook his head and looked away from her

"Alright, one of the best ways to get a point is to aim for the torso" and he punched Demetri in the chest, the cushion stopping the full hit, still, the teen grunted in pain "Alright, front kick, sidekick. Ready?" Demetri looked at Halley that was first in line an panicked, he had been the target of many of the girl's kicks during sparring and those were not soft, and she wasn't even kicking full force because she was going easy on him

"Huh?" He looked between his friend and the Sensei

"Sorry, Dem" she mouthed

"Go!" Halley kicked twice, Demetri once again grunting in pain and already accepting his fate "Nice" Johnny praised


Demetri was now limping out of the dojo, Halley walked behind him as they had arrived together to practice.

"You good?" She asked and Demetri looked at her incredulously

"Well, every part of my body feels like was kicked several times..." he pretended as he if he was thinking for a second "Oh, wait, I was" he widened his eyes sarcastically

"If I buy you ice cream, will you stop complaining?" She asked as they both got in the car

"If you also bake me cookies I might think about it"

"You're so annoying" she playfully rolled her eyes

"You kicked me" He threw his arms in the air, wincing a little from the pain "Several times"

"Dramatic" she mumbled with a smile in her lips


"God, she's such a bitch" Sam continued complaining as they got ready to go to the movies

"Tell me something I don't know" Halley huffed. Sam was telling her about her encounter with Tory at the mermaid party

"She's just....just so- ugh" she groaned walking around trying to find something to wear

"You need to stop thinking about her" Halley recommended "She's getting to you and I'm pretty sure that's what she wants. If you keep giving her what she wants then she's winning" That's Halley's thoughts to keep Erick and Angela out of her mind as much as possible, if she let them get to her then they'd have succeeded in what they were looking for, and she would be damned if she was gonna let them do that

"You're right" Sam nodded and straightened "You're absolutely right"

"Of course I am" Halley shrugged

"Let's talk about more interesting things...like the fact that you and Hawk are awfully close lately" And Sam was right, the two former love birds were getting closer as the days went by. Hawk would always be the first one to approach, and Halley was not complaining. Every day after practice they would talk as they packed their stuff and occasionally the girl would drive him home. And everyone could see them getting more at ease with each other, specially Sam who knew Halley like the back of her hand

"It's just talking" Sam raised her eyebrows "I would say it's complicated...But it's really not" and it wasn't, they were just getting to be friends again, they were not quite yet where they were before but they were crawling their way up there "We are trying to resume our friendship"

"You sure?" Sam teased

"I'm sure" Halley assured

"One hundred percent?" Sam asked once again on the same tone

"One hundred percent" Halley nodded

"I'll let it go for now" Sam turned to her closet "But don't even think this conversation is over" she turned back around and pointed at her cousin

Hello, hello

Little moments between Demetri and Halley fill my soul with so much happiness, I literally love them. I'm writing about their friendship to live in delusion about how most boys won't be able to have a platonic relationship with a girl without wanting to bang her.

Also, I realized we're closer to shaved Hawk than I thought and we have very few chapters left till that happens and I'm quite excited for that, a lot of good things are to come from that....

𝑯𝑰𝑮𝑯 𝑺𝑪𝑯𝑶𝑶𝑳 𝑺𝑾𝑬𝑬𝑻𝑯𝑬𝑨𝑹𝑻𝑺 |  Eli MoskowitzWhere stories live. Discover now