Strays (S) - Hyunjin Loona & Isa StayC

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Requested by Amirz_05


What a long day I can't believe I had to work fucking overtime for a problem I didn't even create what the fuck is wrong with my boss just cause hes is sleeping with the dumbass that created the problem doesn't mean she can get away with it if it was up to me I- What was that sound?

???: *MEOW* 

Huh are there two kittens in a box in an alleyway? 

Y/n: Hey their little ones are you ok? 

Why am I talking to them like they can hear me.

Y/n: The rains probably not great for you guys hmmm~ Alright come with me.

As I grabbed the two kittens I put them in my backpack which I moved to the front of me so I could keep an eye on the kittens. Once I made it back to my apartment I took the kittens and placed them on the bed. 

Y/n: What should I call the two of you? First you how about... Hyunjin?

Hyunjin: *Meow!* 

Y/n: Do like the name?

Hyunjin then rubbed up to my side before laying down on me.

Y/n: I guess so...and then you how about Isa that sounds cute.

Isa started purring and rubbed up to me wanting attention. Trying to move wasn't really an option as I had to lift Hyunjin off of me and Isa was following me wherever I tired to go.

Y/n: Both of you stay here I will be back shortly ok. I need to get food for all of us.

The two of them seemed to listen as they exchanged looks as I left.

Hyunjin POV

Isa: Unnie what do we do now? 

Hyunjin: He said hes going to get us food Isa that's a good thing im starving.

Isa: Don't you think hes handsome? 

Hyunjin: I hope he breaks the curse...

Isa: What does he need to do again?

Hyunjin: Say he loves us. It seems simple but he might just put us back outside. 


Hyunjin: How are you so sure?


Hyunjin: Are you just crushing on him?

Isa: Aren't you?

Hyunjin: Yes I am. But im more focused on having a curse that turned us into cats sorted out!

Isa: Well I know he will say it. 



Alright im back. They are already looking at me do they want me to say something?

Y/n: Hi girls are you ok?

Hyunjin: *Meow* (I love you)

Isa: *Meow* (I Love you)

Y/n: Aww cute. 

Once I made myself some food I gave the girls some chicken for the girls which they ate extremely quickly. After that I decided I should head to bed deciding I was tired after a long day. The girls joined me on my bed and snuggled up to me.

Y/n: I think you girls are going to be one of the best things that happened to me I love you girls.

Hyunjin POV

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