Horror House Halloween

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Halloween night. Normal people would be out partying. But me and my friends? Nah we had the bright idea to explore a supposed haunted house.

Alex: Lets fucking go!

Y/n: Am I the only one that thinks this is a bad id-

Zak: Pussy~

Y/n: Shut up.

Wiz: It will be fine. I'm sure of it.

Aye: Yeah what's the worst that could happen?

How great would it be if we just decided to watch horror movies at home instead? I mean at least my girlfriend came...

Hyeju: It will be fine Y/n. Don't worry about a thing.

Y/n: Alright. Lets go in already come on.

We walked in together. I was next to Hyeju the entire time not letting her leave my side...it was definitely so I could keep her safe and not the other way around. We kept going through the building until we stopped at the master bedroom on the third floor.

Zak: Why is this place so big?

Alex: Because whoever designed it is compensating.

We decided that we would split ourselves between three rooms. The master bedroom that me and Hyeju would share then two guest bedrooms that were just further down the hall. Alex and Zak would share and Wiz and Aye. Once we had all settled in our rooms I sat on the bed with Hyeju joining me.

Hyeju: You ok?

Y/n: Something just feels off.

Hyeju: Its just this places atmosphere I think. Its not really...nice.

Y/n: Well at least we will be together...

The two of us tried to get comfy on the stiff bed and cuddled for a while until there was a sudden smoky sound and a flash of light from the foot of the bed.

???: My my~

??: It would seem these humans don't know about what Halloween is like in this house.

???: Should we show them my dear friend?

??: Humans!

We were both awake Hyeju was clinging onto me tightly. I slowly looked at the two figures.

??: Good one of them knows how to show respect. That women on the other hand.

The figure clicked her fingers and Hyeju vanished from my embrace only to appear on the floor in front of the figure.

???: What should we do about this disrespectful vermin?

??: You male human. What is this creatures name?

Y/n: S-She's called Hyeju...

A distant scream is what I heard.

???: Oh~ Looks like the others are getting busy.

Y/n: W-Wha-

??: Your friend are being killed dear.

Y/n: Why?

???: Well some demons are much more...violent then we are.

??: But what do we do about this one?

She was pointing to Hyeju who was still knelt in front of them looking down.

???: What is your name.

Hyeju: H-He alread-

??: NOT YOU! Human man. What is your name dear?

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