His (S) - Hyewon

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Requested by winterrrry_

First time doing a female reader also Hyewon a man.

Hyewon POV

She really just left like that...I want her back Y/n I miss you why did you just go? You never even gave me a reason as to why you just left. 

Yujin: YAH! 

Hyewon: Huh? What? 

Yujin: We were talking to you and you just zoned out.

Hyewon: Sorry what were you talking about? 

Yena: So we know that you aren't over Y/n so we thought we go to a strip club! 

Hyewon: Im not sure...

Chaewon: Ay come on~ 

Chaeyeon: Hyewon its been over a month you need to get over her. 

Hyewon: I know. 

Nako: We promise that you will have fun. 

Hyewon: Fine lets go. 


Arriving at at the club I watched as strippers came and went none of which got any attraction from me. Hours ticked by and I still wasn't attracted by any of them until I heard a familiar name.

Club Announcer: Give a warm welcome to our last performer of the night Miss Y/n!

As she walked out I instantly recognised the women. Her long thin legs, beautiful curves all of it once my eyes reached her face I knew it was truly her. 

Hyewon: Y/n? 


I looked into the crowd giving customers glances until my eyes landed on him. I couldn't look away from Hyewon. I broke his heart but he never left mine his eyes were full of lust watching me I wanted to go to him but I knew I had to wait. 


Once I had finished performing I got changed and headed out the back exit of the building when I was stopped by a familiar man.

Hyewon: So this is where you were hiding? 

Y/n: Hyewon...

Hyewon: Come with me.

He dragged me to his car before driving us back to his apartment. Once we got through the door to his apartment he pushed me against the wall and closed the distance between us. 

Hyewon: You think you can just run away from me without saying anything baby? 

Y/n: Im sorry Hyewon...

Hyewon: Prove you are sorry then because I need to punish you.

Y/n: What do you want me to do? 

Hyewon: Bedroom now.

I scurried to the Hyewons bedroom nothing had changed in the month I hadn't been with him.  Once he walked in her had taken off his jacket and was mid way through taking off his shirt. 

Hyewon: Strip. 

I followed his commands and threw my clothes off until I was just in my underwear. 

Hyewon: On your knees. 

I did as he commanded as I watched him unbuckle his pants and then take them off alongside his boxers revealing his long shaft to me.

Hyewon: Baby you know what im gonna say next.

I reached out and began to touch his dick making it become harder and longer. 

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