Why Not? - Jinsoul LOONA

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I was just relaxing at lunch when my friends stormed the cafeteria and ran over to me.

Kai: Y/n we heard a rumour! 

Y/n: Okay? 

Jay: The thing is its about you.

Y/n: Me? 

Soobin: Apparently you have a crush.

Y/n: First how did this rumour appear.

Kai: You know the girl that asked you out Olivia.

Y/n: Yeah what about her? 

Beomgyu: She said that you rejected her because you had a crush on someone.

Y/n: I do.

Jungwon: Who is it? 

Y/n: You really want to know? 

Jungwon: Obviously! 

Y/n: Alright come closer.

As the boys all leaned in I wrapped my arm around Jungwons shoulder and brought him next to me. He looked at me as I looked at me.

Y/n: I like your sister.

The other boys thought this was a diss but then realised by the fact neither me nor Jungwon reacted they quickly leaned back in.

Jungwon: As in Jinsoul. 

Y/n: That is correct.

Jungwon: As in Jinsoul my sister who is a year older than us.

Y/n: Yep. 

He reached out his hand and I reciprocated the action that lead to us shaking hands.

Jungwon: I give you permission to go out with my sister.

Y/n: Thanks but I still need to ask her out first.

Jungwon: Boys we have a mission to get my sister and Y/n together now.

Soobin: Why are you ok with Y/n going out with your sister you are so defensive about her.

Jungwon: Because Y/n is the only one that I trust to treat her right.

???: What you boys discussing?

Looking up we saw Jinsoul with her friends who joined us at our table. In the end it was quite squished but when Jinsoul came over she gave both me and Jungwon a hug which caused my cheeks to redden.

Soobin: oooh~ 

I stamped on his foot for his teasing 

Soobin: AH! 

Yves: What are you screaming for weirdo.

Soobin: No reason. 

Another thing about Jinsoul and her friends is that they are both the popular and mean girls. 

Jinsoul: Y/n are you feeling ok you are very red.

Y/n: Y...yeah

Kimlip: Is someone bothering you? 

Y/n: No noona they aren't. 

Yves: If they do tell us.

Y/n: I will.

Kai: How come you always look after Y/n but not the rest of us.

Jinsoul: Y/n has been with us since he was just a small cute kid and now hes an attractive guy.

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