Hooked - Chuu

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Requested by JangJeonghoon


I managed to get to the venue Chuu was holding for her first fan signing. Its stupid that she got kicked from Loona. 

Security: Please can I scan your ticket.

Y/n: Huh? Oh yeah. 

Once I was into the hall I was directed to my seat to wait for Chuu to start her fan signing. She soon appeared on the stage and greeted us all with her usual smile and bright energy. As the fan signing went on I was patiently waiting for my turn and when it finally came I sat opposite her as she signed a photocard I had brought with me. 

Chuu: Y/n you are zoning out~ 

Y/n: You know me? 

Chuu: Well when you go to as many Loona fan signings as you do its hard not to recognise you. I know I'm not a part of Loona anymore but it makes me happy that you are still here supporting me. 

Y/n: Of course I always said I would support the twelve of you no matter what. 

Chuu: I'm more than happy that you weren't lying. Maybe I should tell the other girls that you came to see me. 

Y/n: Do it maybe they would get jealous. 

Chuu: I think Yves would she really enjoys talking to you. But you are mine now. 

Y/n: I guess so. But really Yves enjoys talking to me? 

Chuu: Oh are you blushing? Do you like Miss Ha Sooyoung? 

Y/n: She is really pretty....

Chuu: Well that doesn't matter right now Y/n you are with me! 

Y/n: Sorry. 

Chuu: Its ok but I might not forgive you next time! 

Staff: Please can you move on. 

Chuu: Aw~ Hopefully I will see you again soon Y/n. 

Y/n: I hope to see you soon as well.

Once I left the fan signing I headed back to my apartment and laid down on my sofa. 

Y/n: Hmm...What to do now? 

I decided to eat before heading to bed for the day. After a few days I felt like someone was watching me wherever I went. When I was at work, When I was going out with friends or even in my own apartment. I didn't feel safe I had lost so much sleep over the past few days I don't know why 

???: Y/n~ 

I slowly opened my eyes to see Chuu? 

Y/n: C-Chuu? 

Chuu: Hello Y/n. 

Y/n: Why are you here? How are you here? 

Chuu: Well I said I would hopefully see you again so I made it happen. I had a member of staff follow you to be sure that you got home safe and once you fell asleep I came in and stayed with you. 

Y/n: Your a psycho...

Chuu: That's mean Y/n. *Pouts* 

Y/n: You broke into my apartment! 

Chuu: I wanted to make sure you are safe.

Y/n: W-Why? 

Chuu: Because I love you Y/n. I always have and the other girls do as well but I don't want them to steal you away from me. 

Y/n: Eh? 

Chuu: We all love you Y/n all of Loona but I don't want them to have you. I want you all for myself.

Y/n: W-What...

Chuu: That's right Y/n we love you but I don't think that they are able to protect you. I don't think that they can prove themselves to you. I'm the only person that deserves you. The only one that can protect you. The only that can please you...

Chuu then climbed on top of me before slowly climbing up me. 

Chuu: I love you Y/n. Do you love me? Who's your bias? 

Y/n: I-I don't know I love all you girls. 

Chuu: Y/n I know you have a bias tell me I wont be upset if its not me. 

Y/n: Y-Yves noona...

Chuu: Its always been Yves. Sooyoung is always getting in my way of you. She always tries to seduce you. It had been working on you I always hated how the two of you looked at each other how you always looked so much happier with her than me. But then at MY fan signing you looked so happy talking to me I thought you were falling for me as well. You were right? 

Y/n: Were you following me...

Chuu: Mhm. I wanted to protect you I needed to protect you. I can't let you get hurt my love. I did it all for you I don't want you to ever get hurt.

Y/n: For me? 

Chuu: That's right I did it to protect you Y/n. I love you so much that if you got hurt I well I don't know what I'd do. 

Y/n: Are you being serious? 

Chuu: Of course. I love you Y/n and I'll keep saying it until you understand. 

Y/n: I-I don't know Chuu this is so sudden...

Chuu: Well how about you move in with me. That way you can decide quicker if you love me. 

Y/n: O-Ok...

Chuu: Well then get up sleepy head lets go home.

Y/n: Y-Yeah...

I ended up being dragged to Chuus apartment after I got dressed. Once we were inside she locked the door behind her before coming close to me. 

Chuu: So what do you think? 

Y/n: Its big...

Chuu: And its all ours. Now Y/n can you say it? 

Y/n: I-I love you Chuu noona...

Chuu: Hehehehe I love you too Y/n! 

She hugged me tightly as I slowly wrapped my arms around her and hugged her back.

Chuu: All mine~ 

A few days had passed and I ended up staying inside of Chuus apartment the entire time she was at work. Everyday when she came back she always shouted loudly before running to find me and then diving into my arms and today was no different.

Chuu: Baby I'm home! 

I heard her footsteps get louder until she opened the bedroom door and dove on top of me. 

Chuu: I love you~ 

Y/n: I love you too Chuu. 

Chuu: Did you stay inside all day? 

Y/n: Yeah. 

Chuu: Good boy that's the easiest way for me to look after you. Did you message anyone? 

Y/n: Uh...

Chuu: Who? 

Y/n: Yves...

Chuu: Hm. I allowed you to be added to the Loona group chat as long as you only message them while I'm there. 

Y/n: I'm sorry...

Chuu: What do you need to say? 

Y/n: I love you. 

Chuu: Good boy. I love you too. 

She quickly pecked my lips before giggling before snuggling into my chest.

Y/n: Are you tired? 

Chuu: Yeah~ 

Y/n: Alright lets sleep then.

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