Naughty Love (S) - Chaehyun Kep1er

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Requested by Be-my-eyes


Chaehyun: I love you daddy! 

Y/n: I love you too Chaehyun now go have fun with your friends already I will come pick you up once you are done. 

She gave me a peck on the cheek before getting out of my car and running over to her friends. 

Y/n: Kim Chaehyun my step daughter you really have grown into a beautiful women.


W/n (Wifes names): Baby I will be out next week on a business trip. 

Y/n: Aww but I want to spend more time with you. 

W/n: Aish such a fussy boy. 

Y/n: Im only fussy because of you. 

W/n: Well be a good boy and wait for me to come back then. 

Y/n: I will. I need to go get Chaehyun now when are you leaving? 

W/n: Tomorrow evening can you drop me off at the airport?  

Y/n: Of course I can. 

Once I arrived at the mall where Chaehyun went out with her friends I parked outside and told her I was here. I watched as she cutely walked out of the mall and looked around until she saw my car and ran over to the car. Once she got in she leaned over and pecked my cheek a habit that she had since I had become her step father.

Chaehyun: Daddy do you like my new jacket? 

Y/n: It looks good on you. 

Chaehyun: Thank you! 

We set off back home but on the way a hand was suddenly placed on my thigh.

Chaehyun: Daddy you know that mum is going on a business trip? 

Y/n: Yeah what about it? 

Chaehyun: Can I stay in your bed while she's not here like when I had nightmares two years ago? 

Y/n: If you want to. 

Chaehyun: Thank you daddy!

Once we reached home Chaehyun seemed to stay close to me and even laid against my lap when we decided to watch a movie. 


Chaehyun POV

It had been a few hours since mum left for her business trip I can finally have daddy all to myself. He didn't realise that he left his door open he thinks that I went to shower in my room but I wanted to watch him. I know him and mum haven't done it in a while I can usually hear when they do. I don't blame daddy for having sex with mum but she on the other hand knows how much I love him. She married a guy who is younger than her and she had me at 18. Then met dad when he was 18 and she was 25 its been 20 years since I was born and 10 since I fell in love with my daddy. I peeked through the crack in his bedroom door as I saw a sight that made almost burst straight into the room. He was laid on his back naked his chiselled body shining as he jerked his rock hard dick in front of me I couldn't help but to begin moving my fingers closer to my pussy as he began to jerk himself off. 


Fuck I need to clean up before Chaehyun finishes with her shower she wants to sleep in bed with me after all. I quickly cleaned myself up and put on some bottoms as I heard her in the corridor.

Chaehyun: Are you ready for bed daddy? 

Y/n: Come lay down my baby.

She quickly ran over to the bed an jumped in climbing on top of me. 

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