Toxic (S)- Xiaoting Kep1er

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Requested by HEEJINapostropheS


Y/n: OK I think that's everything that Xiao wanted me to do while she was out and she should be home shortly. Just in time.

Hearing the door open and close the relief that I had just build up vanished once I heard her voice.

Xiaoting: Y/N! COME HERE!

I slowly walked out of our room and to the front door of our apartment where I saw here angrily looking in my direction. 

Xiaoting: Here.

When I was in reach of her she grabbed my hand harshly and dragged me to the table.

Xiaoting: Where's out food? 

The one thing I forgot to do for her she works long days and earns loads while I stay at home and do what she wants me to do while she's out.

Y/n: I...I forgot...

Xiaoting: You forgot? How did you forget the most important thing?

Y/n: Im sorry.

Xiaoting: Have you eaten anything? 


Xiaoting: Such an idiot. Why am even with you again?

Y/n: I don't know...

Xiaoting: *Sigh* Come here.

I walked closer to her as she wrapped me in a comforting hug.

Xiaoting: I want food now. Can you make ME something.

I went to the kitchen and made her something as quickly as I could. Once I served it to her she grew a small smirk while eating.

Xiaoting: This is one of the reasons. You are a good cook.

Once she finished she sat down on the sofa before looking over to me.

Xiaoting: Sit.

Once I sat next to her she moved herself on top of my lap.

Xiaoting: This is reason two. 

She slowly began to grind herself against my lap. 

Xiaoting: Mhm~ That's a good boy.

I felt myself hardening due to her grinding. Xiao is beautiful and I don't know how I managed to get with her.

Xiaoting: You know if you are a good boy then I will let you cum inside of me. 

She ten got off my lap and turned around before slowly taking off her clothes teasing me. 

Xiaoting: Its your turn to strip now.

I listened to her and discarded my clothes as quickly as I could. 

Xiaoting: Lay down.

I laid flat on my back on the sofa while she strutted over to me and then climbed across my lap before resting her weight on my chest.

Xiaoting: What should I do first hmm? Make you eat me out or make you cum inside of my mouth?

Y/n: P...please...

Xiaoting: Please what? 

She presented it as a question but the wrong answer could end to me not enjoying any of this. 

Y/n: Please let me eat you out...

She smiled sweetly at me before giving me a soft peck.

Xiaoting: Good boy.

She moved herself up my chest and raised herself above my face.

Xiaoting: How much do you want it? 

Y/n: Please Xiao I want it so much! 

She smiled sweetly at me before finally planting herself down on my face. Once I felt her pussy resting against my mouth I could smell her sweet sent drawing me in. My tongue flew out of my mouth and straight to her pussy. 

Xiaoting: Good~ You know how much I love your tongue. 

Soon I felt her getting wetter with every lick and soon I could feel myself lapping up her pussy as she got wetter. 

Xiaoting: Hmm~ Good Boy~ Im gonna cum! 

Her hand grabbed my hair and pulled it as I kept licking with her moans being a blessing to my ears. She begun to shake as she tightened her grip on my hair and crushed her thighs against my head. I felt her release a strong stream of liquid against my tongue and into my mouth. Once she finished and calmed down she moved herself off of my face and gave me a cute smile.

Xiaoting: Good boy. Its time to reward you.  

She climbed off of my body before waddling away down the hall. I sat up and watched as she walked once she reached the door to our bedroom she turned to look at me.

Xiaoting: Are you coming or do I ned to call someone to fuck me?

I rushed after her not wanting to disappoint her. Once I walked into the room I saw her sat on the edge of the bed I walked over to her and sat next to her. She smiled at me and took my dick into her hand.

Xiaoting: So hard for me.

She moved off the bed and went on her knees before giving my dick a long lick from top to bottom. She then placed the tip in her mouth and moved her tongue around it before slowly taking my dick deeper into her mouth and beginning to bob up and down. After a few minutes of Xiaoting sloppily blowing me she pulled away from my dick. 

Xiaoting: I can't wait anymore. 

She climbed onto the bed and laid on her back before spreading her legs revealing her soaking pussy to me. 

Xiaoting: Come on baby.

I pounced onto her an rubbed my tip against her entrance before slowly entering into her. 

Xiaoting: Mhmm~ Baby prove your self to me.

I began to thrust quickly into her with her moans encouraging me to keep going quickly. 

Xiaoting: Baby~ you feel so big inside of me~

Y/n: I love you Xiao. 

Xiaoting: I know baby now keep going and make me cum.

I pounded her pussy as hard as I could for a while with her moans lacing each one. I felt her walls begin to tighten around me as she wrapped her legs loosely around my waist.

Xiaoting: I can feel you throbbing inside of me~ Are you gonna cum? Please keep going im gonna cum as well~ Cum with me Y/n! 

As I felt her walls tighten even more around me it pushed me over the edge as I pushed myself as deep as I could inside of her before I released everything I had inside of the beautiful women I called my girlfriend at the same time she screamed out in pleasure as she came for the second time of the night. Once the two of us had finished our highs I fell on top of her as she placed a soft kiss onto my head as she moved the two of us to be more comfortable on the bed. 

Xiaoting: Sleep now Y/n I have the day off tomorrow we will go somewhere. 

As I could feel myself slipping away into a deep sleep I flipped the two of us over and hugged Xiao tightly against my chest as her head dug its way into my neck as she laid comfortably on top of me.

Xiaoting POV

Xiaoting: I love you Y/n im sorry im so bad at showing it...

Looking up from his neck I saw that he had fallen asleep already. 

Xiaoting: You did so much for me today but I still complained and even threatened to get someone else to have sex with me. Im a bad girlfriend...I love you so much Y/n please don't ever leave me.

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