My Crush (S)- Eunbi

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Requested by Be-My-Eyes


Kwon Eunbi the girl everyone wants the student body president even I have a crush on her.

Mingi: Yah stop zoning out. 

Y/n: Huh? 

Jongho: Let him stare at his crush. Everyone looks at her anyway. 

Mingi: Is she coming this way? 

Jongho: I think she is. 

I snapped out of my loving stare when she sat next to me looking me in the eyes.

Eunbi: Y/n I have been getting reports about you not doing well in class. I want to see you in the student council room at the end of the day. Do I make myself clear? 

Y/n: Y-Yes...

Eunbi: Good boy. 

She ruffled my hair before standing up and walking over to her friends.

Mingi: Look how red hes gone.

Jongho: Y/n~ snap out of it. 

Y/n: Huh? What? You say something? 

Jongho: You are so in love its funny.

Y/n: Whatever little man. 

Mingi: Wow that's a low blow. 

Y/n: Take his head off them. 

Mingi: Hahahaha. 

Jongho: Yah! 

Soon the bell rang and we left for class from the cafeteria. I couldn't think straight while in classes and just kept thinking of Eunbi and how she wanted to see me. The second I heard the bell ending classes I immediately packed my things away before heading out of the room. I made my way through the corridors of the school before standing in front of the student council room. I took a deep breath before knocking I waited a few seconds until the door opened and I saw Eunbi gently smiling at me. 

Eunbi: There you are. Come in Y/n. 

She opened the door for me to enter before closing it behind me. I heard her lock the door behind us as she lead me to a side room containing a sofa and some filing cabinets.  

Eunbi: Take a seat Y/n. 

I did as she told. She then sat at the other end of the sofa still facing me. 

Eunbi: So Y/n why haven't you been doing well in class? 

Y/n: I-I don't know...

Eunbi: You seem to have an idea. Its ok Y/n you can tell me I wont tell anyone what happens outside of this room.

Y/n: R-Really? 

Eunbi: I promise. 

Y/n: I like this girl...

Eunbi: Mhm. 

Y/n: And she's on my mind constantly...

Eunbi: So you are being distracted because you have a crush? 

Y/n: Y-Yeah...

Eunbi: Who's the girl? Maybe I can help you.

Y/n: Y-You...

Eunbi: Yes me I'll help you. 

Y/n: N-No I...what I mean is you are the girl I like...

Eunbi: Really? Me? 

Y/n: Yeah...

Eunbi: Oh~ Well how delightful. 

Y/n: Huh? 

Eunbi: I will happily admit you are cute. And looking at you I will say looking at you carefully you do seem excited to sit with me. How about I do something for you. First of all I want you to start addressing me properly. 

Y/n: H-How should I address you...

Eunbi: Hmm~ How about master after all I'm going to make you mine. 

Y/n: O-Ok master....

Eunbi: Good boy. Now tell me have you ever beaten off to me? My pictures on Instagram? Or maybe just thinking about me. Tell your master Y/n what have you done? 

Y/n: I-I have jerked off to you before...

Eunbi: I knew it. I want you to jerk off right now. 

Y/n: W-What? 

Eunbi: You heard your master get your dick out for me. I want to see you jerk off to me. 

I slowly pulled my pants and boxers off as my semi hard dick was revealed to Eunbi. 

Eunbi: Come on Y/n your master is asking you to jerk off for her what are you waiting for? 

I slowly wrapped my hand around my dick and begun to jerk myself off while looking at Eunbi. 

Eunbi: Good boy. Now if I show you these maybe it will encourage you a bit more. 

I watched as she unbuttoned her shirt and revealed her chest to me. 

Eunbi: I know that they are still covered by my bra but I know that you will like them. 

I couldn't look away from her as she slowly kneaded her own breasts in front of me.

Eunbi: Come on Y/n show your master how much you love me. Show that you want me to look after you. 

I jerked myself quicker and could feel myself building up. I was moaning quietly as I watched her staring back at me. 

Eunbi: Mhm~ Y/n I want you to cum.  

It was only a few more seconds until I felt myself on the edge. 

Y/n: I-Im going to cum master...

Eunbi: Do it baby I want you to cum blast everything you can. Let me see it all Y/n be a good boy for me. 

I felt myself throb as I begun to cum in front of Eunbi. After I finished cumming Eunbi pulled my head into her chest as she started to reach down and play with my cum. 

Eunbi: What a good boy you are. You came so much for me. I love you my baby. 

 Y/n: I love you too m-master. 

Eunbi: You can call me noona in public my baby I'm only your master in private but your girlfriend in public. 

Y/n: Ok noona. 

Eunbi: Let me get some wipes for you to clean yourself up. 

Y/n: Thank you. 

She quickly stood up and returned with some tissues as she cleaned my cum off of me. Once she had finished wiping my cum up she gave my dick a gentle kiss before throwing the tissues away.

Eunbi: Pull them back up and we can go to my house. 

Y/n: I-I'll need to tell my parents. 

Eunbi: Feel free to message them baby but If I can't take you to my house I might just have to meet your parents. 

Y/n: O-Ok noona. 

Eunbi: Why are you so cute? I love you Y/n. 

Y/n: I love you too master.

Eunbi: Hehehe Just you wait next time you wont have to jerk off to me I'll give you a whole new experience. 

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