Six Months Part 2

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I woke up in an awkward position. Minju was laying on top of me despite the fact we had fallen asleep with some distance and a pillow between us. 

Y/n: (What the fuck? No body calm down this is not the time for my morning wood.) 

I felt myself pressing against her thigh and in an attempt to make it go away tried to fall back asleep. 

Minju POV

Minju: (What's prodding into me?)

I had crawled onto Y/n in the night to get more comfortable after waking up from a nightmare. I reached my hand down to whatever it was and grabbed it. I couldn't figure out what it could be I didn't have anything that felt like this it was long, thick and really hard. I kept moving my hand around it to figure out what it was until I reached the base and realised what I was touching. 

Minju: (Y-Y/n/n is that big...)

I kept my hand around his thing for a little while longer trying to figure out just how big he was until he moved slightly which made me wrap my around his stomach and hug him as I closed my eyes.


Y/n: (It felt like something was touching me.) 

I opened my eyes and looked down to Minju who was asleep on my chest and gently moved my hand to stroke the hair out of her face. This action only revealed the pure beauty of Minju and it made me unconsciously smile.

Y/n: Why are you so pretty noona? 

I laid my head back onto the pillow and grabbed my phone before checking the time. 

Y/n: 8:34am. I need to get up in just less than two hours. I have an alarm set I want to stay with noona more. 

I placed my phone down and rolled onto my side to get a better look at her. 

Y/n: Why can't I just tell you I love you when you are awake? 

I placed my arm over her and closed my eyes savoring every second I had with her.

Minju POV

Minju: (He called me pretty. He said he loves me. I need to say it back I can't loose you Y/n. Too many people have interest in you. I love you too) 

I looked up at him and let my eyes linger on his slightly parted lips. I could feel his chest calmly raising up and down. I want to kiss him. I need to kiss him. I slowly moved from his chest up to his face and hovered just a few inches from his lips. I couldn't handle it anymore I gently pressed lips against his only for a moment before backing away. I didn't want to wake him. I Laid my head right next to his and enjoying his body heat as he held me. 



It had been a few weeks since I had seen Minju annoyingly we had gotten busier and we even had a tour planned that would see us leaving Korea for a while. 

Hyunjin: You should tell her how you feel. 

Y/n: You say that like its easy to.

Seungmin: Sure it is. Just go up to her look her in the eyes and go I love you, will you go out with me.

Felix: Don't listen to him.

Bangchan: Boys can you stop pestering him about asking Minju out? But Y/n for your own mental state you should ask her out soon. I mean before we go on tour type of soon.

Y/n: I will...Or at least try to. 

A few more days passed and I found myself outside of Minjus door holding a bouquet of flowers. I knocked on the door more nervous that I have ever been to meet her. She opened the door and with one look at me a smile grew on her face.

Minju: Y/n! Come in. 

Once I was inside I took off my shoes and took a deep breath. 

Y/n: Min noona I brought these for you.

 Minju: Roses how romantic of you Y/n.

Y/n: T-They just reminded me of you that's all nothing romantic about it...

Minju: Why did they remind you of me? 

Y/n: They they are um well you see- 

Minju: You can tell me Y/n/n. 

Y/n: They were really pretty. Just like you. 

Minju: I-Is that so. Well thank you Y/n. I love them and I-I

Y/n: Oh that's nice. WAIT WHAT? 

Minju: I love you. 

I quickly hugged her tightly and repeated one phrase back to her.

Y/n: I love you too. 

I loosened the hug as we stood silently looking at each other until her arms reached up and wrapped around my neck as mine found their way onto her waist as we slowly got closer to each other. Her lips were soft, I could taste cherry on her lips and I never wanted to part. The kiss wasn't long but it was loving.

Y/n: Hey Min we are having a tour soon- 

Minju: I know you are and I'll be waiting for you to get back. 

She pecked my lips once more before we settled down to watch a movie together. 


Y/n: I promise I'll call you everyday. 

Minju: It better not be at stupid times.

Y/n: I can't promise that Min but I'll try to call you at good times.

Minju: It doesn't matter when you call I'll pick up anyway.

Y/n: Even if you are mid photoshoot? 

Minju: Especially. 

Y/n: I'll hold you to that. 

Minju: Baby you know I love being held by you but your members and manger have been waiting for at least five minutes. 

Y/n: Alright. I'll see you soon Min. 

Minju: Bye baby. 

I made my way out of her apartment and down to my members who waited below. 

Han: I love you~ 

Y/n: Shut up. 

Han: You were up there for almost ten minutes since we got here. Did you two-

Y/n: No. We are taking things slow. 

Han: Just get in we need to go to the airport. 

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