A Different Graveyard Part 1 - Multiple Idols

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Requested by 808AirsoftBros

I guess this is sort of a Collab between the two of us anyway enjoy.

Manager: Hello Y/n. I am calling to inform you that you got the job as our new security guard. We are required to remind all new employees of the incident that happened in 2007 where Joy malfunctioned and ended up killing a mechanic while they were fixing her. Because of this the animatronics were moved into the storage house. This is where you come in during your shifts you are to monitor the area and make sure no one that shouldn't get into the storage house. We are happy to welcome you to the Irene's pizza world family. When you arrive for your first shift tomorrow I will personally be there to show you to your office before leaving.

When the voicemail ended I put my phone down on my bed before jumping up excitedly. I quickly sat back down and opened the package that I had received that contained a white button up black cargo pants as well as a black cap which was branded with the Joy's pizza world logo.

Y/n: I finally got a job! 

I had just got out of college and applied to a bunch of jobs but due to my lack of experience was rejected until now. I relaxed for the rest of the day and for some of the next day until it reached time for me to head to my new work place. When I reached the address I was met by a man who I presumed to be the manager who left me the message. 

Manager: Y/n right? 

Y/n: Yes are you my manager then? 

Manager: That's right now come along I'll show you to your office and give you a bit of information before I head out. 

Y/n: Thank you. 

Manager: No problem come on now. 

I followed him through the building and into a secluded corner after passing through what used to be the main stage as well as past various party rooms. 

Manager: Here we are. 

I looked past him and through the window of the room that was tucked away in the corner. What I set my eyes upon was a desk situated in the centre of the room that had a open vent on the right wall. 

Manager: Alright take a seat I'm going to give you quite a lot of information. 

I sat down on the seat and the manager then handed me a piece of paper. 

Manager: So first of all this it your username and password for the computer you can google things or watch you tube to keep yourself entertained but remember your job because the cameras are also accessed through the monitor. There are cameras all over the building and even in the vents. 

Y/n: Why in the vents? 

Manager: Right this is the part that you might not believe. 

I looked past the manager as I thought I saw something move in the shadows. 

Manager: Don't worry they wont be moving yet. 

Y/n: What? 

Manager: Right so you know that all the old animatronics are in the storage room opposite the entrance. 

Y/n: Yeah...

Manager: They are still active. They tend to move around and try to find people to uh "entertain" if you get what I mean. 

Y/n: Y-Yeah...Is that why the pays so good?

Manager: Exactly they only really move around at night. The safest thing you can do it to turn the lights off in here and they will think that you are not there. That switch there on your desk is the one that controls the lights. However that wont work if they come through the vents. If they do that you need to shine the light in their eyes however do not shine the light in Yves eyes she gets a lot more agitated and will dive on you. 

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